Thunderhead Bug FTW!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Hell's Precipice

So my R/N is standing around Thunderhead Keep looking for a group. Suprise suprise I can't get one so I grab some henchmen and go for it. I haven't done this mission for awhile now and I have never been able to complete it with henchmen. But, what the heck. I have nothing to lose.

I clear the city. Yawn. I clear the fort. Another yawn. Catapult the giant mob. Now I'm standing around waiting for the first wave of attackers to come. They arrive and I start fighting. All of a sudden in the middle of the fight King Jalis Stupidhammer suddenly bolts down the stairs and stops a short ways at the bottom. There are no mobs down there. He is just standing there alone doing nothing.

Naturally I'm now frantically trying to clear this mob before another one comes to attack him in his now vulnerable camping spot. I kill the remaining guys and go down the stairs to stand next to the king. The king is just standing there. A mob soon comes in on the east side and marches up the stairs and parks at the top where the king should be. Now it dawns on me...

Since the king is standing around down here for whatever insane reason, I can completely ignore that side of the fort and all of the mobs that come in on that side. All of those mobs harmlessly march up the stairs looking for a king that isn't there. This mission is suddenly looking a lot easier.

I don't know how common this bug may be, but I loved it! Unfortunately, due to a stupid error on my part and annoying health bar bugs on the Mursaat Monks and Mursaat Monk boss, I ended up losing anyways. Oh well. Next time I see this bug, there's no stopping me!

Mugon M. Musashi

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

France (Paris)



I also got this bug once
the king has the AI of a pet
or he's just stupid ^^