
Solo Munk

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005

Hello all, first post. Lots of good information here.

I have one issue with soloing.... UW gets old, anyone care to share other locations a 55 build monk can solo? I have tried many locations but there always seems to be a magic user there to own me. Thanks in advance!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Quebec, Canada

L'ordre [LO]


People won't say it because it will be nerfed. And a 55build isn't the supreme build. Why not use a normal smither build with only the sup. of smithing on you ? You'll be able to deal with caster also.

Solo Munk

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005

Well this started as an experiment, and I liked it so I kept it... The 55 build works great under the right conditions (I tried 105 first, then an 85 and now 55.)

I was a healing monk, then a smiting monk but have made FAR more goodies by being a "solo monk" I'm just getting sick of UW all the time and was hoping for some new ideas - I have been looking everywhere and cant find anything decent other than UW and Griffons.

Thanks for any and all replies...

Aluria The Timid

Aluria The Timid

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Eastern NC

Cult of the Frog


Originally Posted by Boubou
People won't say it because it will be nerfed.
This is absolutely the truth. The other day I was in the town of my favorite farming area and I told the general chat at that outpost what a great place it was to farm and what monsters to kill. I must have got like 4 people private message me asking why I would do that.