I know I'm weird I actually like the 4x4 random arena, it's fun and I don't always have alot of time to get on a real team.
*BUT* It's annoying when I deliberately use the ctrl key when rez'ing so everyone knows that my R/Me has used up the rez signet, then if I'm the last person alive there is a bitch-fest about how lame I am for not rez'ing them (this happened to me 4 times in an hour).
My favorite, and I should have taken a screenshot, was basically this:
Bow Black uses Rez Signet on XXX
Teammate1: rez?
Teammate2: I guess she didn't bring one
Teammate1: stupid idiot, I'm the only one that brings a rez signet to this place
Teammate2: yea
There was NO text between me using the signet and this conversation. Jeesh...
Please check the chat window before whining about why you're not getting rez'd.
Yup, it sure is annoying. Take the time to scroll through the message log to notice that yes I did bring a res sig, and that in fact it has been used.
More frustrating I feel when you announce that you're using the res sig on someone, all the while their map is open and about to leave the arena. They get rezzed, signet used, and they bolt out.
More frustrating I feel when you announce that you're using the res sig on someone, all the while their map is open and about to leave the arena. They get rezzed, signet used, and they bolt out.
Healing monks in random arena are sardists.