Hi all, Im totally new to the game, plz help!
Hi everyone, I have ordered the game today, and it should be here by tomorrow moring and I really need to fins out some stuff, I play World of Warcraft a lot, and Im not new to the MMORPG genre, but this game totally confusses me, first of all, I love pvp, but it confusses me, it says that if I choose to play a pvp character, I start at lvl 20, I like to level up and get to grips with the game so I really dont see the point in this, does this mean that I will start off with all good gear, or will I still have to get money bags, gold and armor? or can I play a pve character, then move it to a pvp realm or something? secondly I was wondering about professions, I was thinking elementisist because I play a mage in WoW, and this kinda sounds like the same thing, but then someone told me that you could mix classes, like a elementilist and a monk, damn now im really confussed :? , so they call the route your character chooses, like an elementilist a profession? well do they actually have prfessions like a blacksmith or an enchanter? and when I look on the official website at the different professions it only shows like 6 moves, will you get more as you progress, because pvp isnt going to be exaclty challenging with only 6 moves is it? in WoW easch class has like 30-60 different moves spells and stuuf, any imput here would be really appreciated, because as you can see, im about as clueless as.... a man who has no clue, (that was a joke, and a v bad one i know :P) thanks, tomches!
It's best to play as PVE first, as when playing PVE you unlock things your PVP char can use. I am still yet to play PVP as I am still unlocking things in the PVE side of things. But welcome to our comunity and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Yes if you create a PVP character it starts at level 20, whi ch is the max level you can get for any character PVE or PVP. Before you ask the reason for a level cap of 20 is that ANET wanted to make a game that centered around the ability of people to use ther ir characters and the skills available to them, not who can put the most hours in and level their character the furthest.
Next as it has been mentioned, if you play the PVE you will unlock additional skills, equipment and runes to use with your PVP character. Once it has been unlock, those skills, equip. etc become availalbe for that PVP character when you create it.
Don't worry about being limited in "moves" having a mandatory secondary profession allows you to try and find skill from that profession that work in concert with your primary's skills. There are probably thousands of different combonations that can be created with the skills available to a character. You are only limited to 8 skills to use at one given time, Ie during a mission or quest, but there are probably 30 or more skills per proffession.
Play, learn and read, there is alot more to this game than just grinding to the higest level and best equipment.
Next as it has been mentioned, if you play the PVE you will unlock additional skills, equipment and runes to use with your PVP character. Once it has been unlock, those skills, equip. etc become availalbe for that PVP character when you create it.
Don't worry about being limited in "moves" having a mandatory secondary profession allows you to try and find skill from that profession that work in concert with your primary's skills. There are probably thousands of different combonations that can be created with the skills available to a character. You are only limited to 8 skills to use at one given time, Ie during a mission or quest, but there are probably 30 or more skills per proffession.
Play, learn and read, there is alot more to this game than just grinding to the higest level and best equipment.
Keep in mind also that PvE and PvP are not the same (at all) as WoW.
In WoW a PvP and PvE distinction sets rules as to who you can attack and who can attack you. In GW, you fight each other in set arenas only. A PvE character can go into the arenas at any time and fight with anybody else in the arena. They level up the normal way and collect items. A PvP character CAN'T play the missions and quests. They are ONLY for arena fighting. So they start out at level 20. It would be best if you only play PvE characters at the start but after the first major map change (what you'll later know as "searing"... no spoiler if the term isn't explained to you) you can enter PvP areas any time, allowing you to get used to it at the same time as you level your character. By the time you hit level 20 you should have a decent idea of how PvP works and be ready to jump in and/or make a PvP only character.
In WoW a PvP and PvE distinction sets rules as to who you can attack and who can attack you. In GW, you fight each other in set arenas only. A PvE character can go into the arenas at any time and fight with anybody else in the arena. They level up the normal way and collect items. A PvP character CAN'T play the missions and quests. They are ONLY for arena fighting. So they start out at level 20. It would be best if you only play PvE characters at the start but after the first major map change (what you'll later know as "searing"... no spoiler if the term isn't explained to you) you can enter PvP areas any time, allowing you to get used to it at the same time as you level your character. By the time you hit level 20 you should have a decent idea of how PvP works and be ready to jump in and/or make a PvP only character.
Auntie I
Just to clarify the Profession question. Yes there are only 6 professions but each profession has access to about 75 skills. All characters have a Primary profession and a secondary profession. So each character has the ability to find and unlock about 150 skills. Since you can only use or equip 8 skills at a time there are a huge variety of possible skill setups.
as above I recommend that you play the PvE portion of the game before venturing into the PvP. PvE will enable you to learn how the game works and what your chosen professions can and can't do.
Remember the most important part.
Have Fun!
as above I recommend that you play the PvE portion of the game before venturing into the PvP. PvE will enable you to learn how the game works and what your chosen professions can and can't do.
Remember the most important part.
Have Fun!
help me plz
PvP is kinda pointless i personaly think cause theres no reward or any thing. I do like PvE though a lot. And about the different profession combos there are a lot of differnet combos they all have there good parts and they can all work out good together
Originally Posted by help me plz
PvP is kinda pointless i personaly think cause theres no reward or any thing. I do like PvE though a lot. And about the different profession combos there are a lot of differnet combos they all have there good parts and they can all work out good together
But yes, at least start out PvE until you have some good quantity of skills.