Skill Instructors
I've noticed that the skill trainer in Ascelon is now only carrying a few good items; also that some of the mini-quests now give skills. Is there a listing of this yet?
No, but assuredly there's a few of us that are losing more sleep then we'd care to, to get everything on the site updated and the new stuff added in (hopefully) short order.
Sausaletus Rex
Spooky's right, we're well at work gathering that sort of information but it's a long and slow process because of how things work. t'll take some time, but we'll get it done eventually. In general it seems that skill trainers now only carry those skills that you could have gotten from questing in the area before. Secondary Monks will find Healing Breeze and Banish at the skill trainer in Ascalon, for example. With one or two new skills thrown in (Gaurdian for Monks). Although some professions seem to have absolutely nothing available and skill reward quests make it hard to tell exactly what each trainer carries.
The items available from quests is a new thing, too, but they're nothing too spectacular. They're good, decent items that seem to be about as good as anything you'll get to drop (especially in Pre-Searing) with a few exceptions here and there (I'm very enamoured of my Crimson Carapace Shield, 6AL, +10AL while attacking, -10AL while casting if you have Tactics 4+. Note that it doesn't say anything like that on the screen where you get it from, just the 6AL). They don't seem to be salvagable but they can be sold for a price well above that of the normal item in the area (In Pre-Searing all the items sell for 10G and they get better as you go along). The same goes Collectors, too. But what you really want to look out for there are the armorpieces. Armor's pretty expensive to craft and it looks like in each area there are collectors who'll give you armor slightly better or worse than the armor available at a crafter for just a few collectable items. You have to find them but it's a cheap price to pay.
The items available from quests is a new thing, too, but they're nothing too spectacular. They're good, decent items that seem to be about as good as anything you'll get to drop (especially in Pre-Searing) with a few exceptions here and there (I'm very enamoured of my Crimson Carapace Shield, 6AL, +10AL while attacking, -10AL while casting if you have Tactics 4+. Note that it doesn't say anything like that on the screen where you get it from, just the 6AL). They don't seem to be salvagable but they can be sold for a price well above that of the normal item in the area (In Pre-Searing all the items sell for 10G and they get better as you go along). The same goes Collectors, too. But what you really want to look out for there are the armorpieces. Armor's pretty expensive to craft and it looks like in each area there are collectors who'll give you armor slightly better or worse than the armor available at a crafter for just a few collectable items. You have to find them but it's a cheap price to pay.
Qin Shi Huang
Weell, guys, I thank you for your work. There is a LOT to know about GW so, I understand it is hard to gather all the information.
Anyway, the giude to Pre-Sears is wonderfull and helped me a lot because i made Pre-Sears all aalone and didn't know anything in-game, only what I read here.
Keep up the good work
Anyway, the giude to Pre-Sears is wonderfull and helped me a lot because i made Pre-Sears all aalone and didn't know anything in-game, only what I read here.
Keep up the good work

Yeah I was wondering about this. In the last BWE there were a ton of skills available as soon as I got to post-searing. I've been there for a while since release and still only one skill is there... and it's one I don't need

Skill trainers are out and about in the world, you have to adventure and seek them out. Familiar faces and trainers of pre-searing are out there waiting to give you quests in exchange for up to several different skills at once.
vai demine
Here are a couple of screenshots showing where I obtained skills. I'm a Monk/Ranger, which I think is probably significant because your profession should change the skills that the quest-giver rewards you with.
So, these are both from Yak's Bend, and the screenshot shows who gives the quest, what the quest is, and what the rewards are (including skills given):
If there is another place that you'd like me to post these as I get them, please let me know. This is just the best thread I've found so far. Thanks.
Edit: Here's a few more, including some ranger skills...
Here are a couple of screenshots showing where I obtained skills. I'm a Monk/Ranger, which I think is probably significant because your profession should change the skills that the quest-giver rewards you with.
So, these are both from Yak's Bend, and the screenshot shows who gives the quest, what the quest is, and what the rewards are (including skills given):
If there is another place that you'd like me to post these as I get them, please let me know. This is just the best thread I've found so far. Thanks.
Edit: Here's a few more, including some ranger skills...