Sugesting: Customization Crafter



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


well, i know that i, like many of us, like to make sure i look good in the game.
have you ever seen something you liked the look of when it comes to weps, but it had useless damage or was for a different class?
i know i have.

so, sugestin a customization crafter.

pick a wepon type. <sword>
pick a sub-class. <long sword>
pick an image. <glass look sword>
pick a damage price. <17-21 damage for 500g> <needs 5 glittering dust/4 iron ingots/2 planks of wood>

hit the Craft it! button and there you go.

similar thing could go for off hand items....fetish, or shield or whatever, just choose the type and then the image and pay the price and have the mats ready.

i sugest it mainly because i like some of the wepons images and styles, but usually get nice stuff with useless bonuses or damage amounts.

and, we could make staffs and wands too.
no reason why not, since they would be basic, un buffed and un bonused items when made.
perfect for adding your upgrades to then dying (when you can) and keeping

(however, special looks like the much sought after chaos axes, buring swords and ghost stafs ect cant be made....gota have some reason to go questing for that Perfect Look items, now dont we? hehe)

artemis inferno

artemis inferno

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fellowship of Xanthos


how bout armor? iv wanted my characters to have articles of other classes clothing many times...