This game good?
Is this game worth playing? don't want to waste 50 dollers on it if i wont like it.
It depends on your taste in games. All games are good to someone.
the drizzle
This game is fantastic.
In my opion yes it is worth it (528 hours and 27 minutes played in 3 months) and this comming form someone who was a die hard diablo II fan. This is way better then I even could hope it would be I love it.
Coming to a site dedicated to Guild Wars to find whether Guild Wars is a good game or not is the wrong choice.
do a lot of people play the game?
I would say quite a few people play the game. I don't think it would be a waste of money, because some games you can play and have fun for about a days worth of hours. I have been playing this game for many days worth of hours and am still not sick of it. Plus not to mention there is a summer update coming soon which will hopefully add many more hours of playtime. This is the first MMO type of game I have ever played and couldn't be happier about its value.
Except wigger, Guild Wars is not an MMO.
Unown, I think the figure is close to if not over a million people, I don't know the exact stats though.
Unown, I think the figure is close to if not over a million people, I don't know the exact stats though.
300+ hours in 3 months here for $50. Works out to less than $1 for each 6 hrs of play, and that is if I don't play anymore.
Seems like a decent entertainment value for me. Particularly when a movie costs $7 for 2-3 hrs of entertaiment. The only way to know is to decide for yourself.
Seems like a decent entertainment value for me. Particularly when a movie costs $7 for 2-3 hrs of entertaiment. The only way to know is to decide for yourself.
You will go through a linear storyline in about 20-50 hours (depending on how much you want to see, and what time you want to spend thoroughly exploring). After that, you will attempt to PvP, but will have your ass handed to you. If you are a good PvPer, you will start trying to unlock all the skills, but then realize it takes far too long and get burned out and bored.
help me plz
this is a grat game. The replay value is great also
My advice is if your undecided about whether to buy the game..
- read completely through the info on the main GW site ->
- if you have the patience, d/l all the movies off the main GW site to see the gameplay in action.
- Read up review's of GW's on sites like Gamespot, IGN, etc - the main GW site has in their news a whole bunch of placeds which reviewed the game.
- Go through the screenshot section of a few of the GW fansites to see what the game looks like, what ppl do, etc.
It's all basic research.. but will give you a whole lot better idea of what the game is like, how it plays, etc.
- read completely through the info on the main GW site ->
- if you have the patience, d/l all the movies off the main GW site to see the gameplay in action.
- Read up review's of GW's on sites like Gamespot, IGN, etc - the main GW site has in their news a whole bunch of placeds which reviewed the game.
- Go through the screenshot section of a few of the GW fansites to see what the game looks like, what ppl do, etc.
It's all basic research.. but will give you a whole lot better idea of what the game is like, how it plays, etc.