Guild Wars?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005

If anyone has played WoW here, I would really like them to tell me how they think Guild Wars compares, im getting it tomorrow, and loads of people say it totally sucks and is nothing compared to WoW? I just wannna have an idea weather I have wasted £30



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Canada, AB, Calgary

Arcane Draconum


WoW is crap.
GW is good. Huurah!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Land of the Z Chest \o/

[NOT]-Nomads of Turmoil.


hmm. loads of ppl say it sucks. (im pretty sure their saying that while their still playing the game away at this moment. hehe)

WOW is pay2play. the game has a history/name. it's nice.

GW is free. it's new. it's fun.

both games are good. anyone who could play both would do so.
research on info about GW (here and their official website) and then see if it's worth your time.

*but again, you are in an official GW forum, so I would think you'd get a slightly biased answer.



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by tomches
If anyone has played WoW here, I would really like them to tell me how they think Guild Wars compares, im getting it tomorrow, and loads of people say it totally sucks and is nothing compared to WoW? I just wannna have an idea weather I have wasted £30
you will have to decide for yourself.

there is no type of mining woodcutting crafting etc and a very small amount of interaction with other people which is in cities or outposts only.

on the other hand there is no ganking
loot stealing
death penalty
corpse camping
or level 40 pushing people around

these might help you get a better start


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Rising Crusaders


I've played WoW from Decemeber 2004 - August 2005. I recently quit WoW and went over to Guild Wars because I was tired of the crappy pvp system in WoW and the fact that in order to get stuff in WoW you had to spend at least 2 hours min. just to go in instances to get set items or farm for mats.(lvl 60 shaman btw).

Guild wars on the other hand has better pvping than the zerging that is WoW, the missions are fun to play with groups of people and they usually take less than an hour to finish.(lvl 10 only though so I havent been to the end stuff yet). But guild wars lacks variety of armor from what I can see and there are no tailoring stuff or w/e, not that I ever bothered with them



Smite Mistress

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Land of AZ, USA


This has been talked of incessantly. Please use the search button.

Guildwars: So-called grind, no monthly fees, lots of fun

World of Warcraft: So-called grind, monthly fees, lots of fun so they say

It depends on the size of your wallet.
