The Popular 55 build
I've seen this term being throw around in the forum left and right. Can any1 help me to understand what exactly this is?? Thanks!
its a monk that olny has 55 health wiht a killer build (with tons of sup. runes)that is really weird how it works and it makes them almost invincible they can easily solo underworld and shit
thanks for info!!
any1 knows exactly or care to share exact runes that r used?
any1 knows exactly or care to share exact runes that r used?
one of each attribute, and a double of one
lvl 20 with 5 sup runes = 105 health
some quest reward focus -50 hp = 55 health
lvl 20 with 5 sup runes = 105 health
some quest reward focus -50 hp = 55 health
Yukito Kunisaki
I wonder when Anet will install an enchant stripper of some sort in UW or FoW. Then all the enchant monk soloers will be crying beneath the might of the nerf bat...
Mark Twain
they already have enchanters in fow.. monks cant solo it.. well some can, but msot cant. I hope they dont put an enchanter in uw. i have a 55 health monk
Originally Posted by Blazin_Rasin
its a monk that olny has 55 health wiht a killer build (with tons of sup. runes)that is really weird how it works and it makes them almost invincible they can easily solo underworld and shit
Yes I have heard of these so called invincable, one question though how can you solo the underworld when you need a party of eight before grenth will let you in...............
u can get in on ur own..i do it ( im 105hp build )
You don't have to have eight to enter. I two man the UW all the time. I don't like the idea of soloing in a game liek this, sure you get rich but its no fun without human interaction. Debuffers in UW would suck its hard enough as is even with a solo build. If debuffers were there I think you would need 8 to get fight there. Which means 1 ecto per run on average 1 out of every 8 runs if your lucky 105 ecto needed thats 840 UW runs if your getting 1 ecto every 8 runs. I've done like 20-30 two man runs and havent gotten any yet. But he gets them all the time. I'm the tank its not to fair he just sits there. Oh well long post but I'm hyper right now so.