Just wondering how international trading works. Do you just meet in an international district and trade or are there restrictions?
I have a whole bunch of superior monk runes I want to sell on here but it seems most of the people here are american and im on the european servers.
Can all items be traded internationally? Including Runes?
International Trading
help me plz
well if u go to internatiol disterect u will jut get other ppl who go there(which is very few)so i wouls stick to eupope server
Help, stop posting useless help please.
Nemenem, there aren't any restrictions in international trading. Try posting in the sell forum with a list of your superior runes. Trust me, you'll sell some. (Some being an understatement.)
Nemenem, there aren't any restrictions in international trading. Try posting in the sell forum with a list of your superior runes. Trust me, you'll sell some. (Some being an understatement.)
ok thanks for the info.