The Great Marhan's Grotto Smilie Face!
Wow, first thing i've ever done without people being idiots and standing out of place. Looks a bit odd but it was really fun doing it! Just started hanging out at the Grotto, you can see me there under Dyslexic Magician .
Night Daftshadow
lol. i knew it. residents of grotto are strange folk.
Next step. A snowman.
It first started out we were going to stand in a straight line with the /attention command, then it got curvey and curvey and I just told them to make a smilie face. Thank god I hit print screen in time. Some warriors came in the middle and tried ruining it .
meh I wish I was there.. I was too busy sorting out the mess at Lions Arch...
Originally Posted by ExplosiveBadger
It first started out we were going to stand in a straight line with the /attention command, then it got curvey and curvey and I just told them to make a smilie face. Thank god I hit print screen in time. Some warriors came in the middle and tried ruining it .
heh so that's what happened... at first i was just standing in /attention with pyrate... i left for 10 minutes and when i came back i saw a shape of a "D"... never saw the smiley face.