The Best way to make money is...? i need an idea
anyone know the best way to do it??
Play the game and don't waste money on useless things like dye.
Get a job.
Hippie Crack
Farm Sigils, fastest way to get gold. Upwards of 100k/hr if your good.....
Charcoal Ann
saying farm sigils is all very well but you must be:
1)a very good PvP player
2)in either a guild of likewise good PvPrs or have friends good at PvP
3)to be reliably successful you will likely need TS or Vent
4)to actually get the skills for it you either need to ascend a PvE char or spend a looong time getting faction for unlocks.
1)a very good PvP player
2)in either a guild of likewise good PvPrs or have friends good at PvP
3)to be reliably successful you will likely need TS or Vent
4)to actually get the skills for it you either need to ascend a PvE char or spend a looong time getting faction for unlocks.
Common (legit) moneymaking methods:
1. Low level farming
Pros: Most high level characters can solo low level areas such as the Ascalon instances and get 100% of all drops and gold. Little risk of death.
Cons: Making money is slow and may take long to even make a few k
2. Higher level farming
Pros: Better drops, more challenging and more fun
Cons: You might either need to hench (so drops and money are divided), or develop a solo build that can cope with the mobs in that area.
3. Trading
Pros: You set your prices, very quick, and easy
Cons: Standing around yelling WTS, WTS while your message gets shunted out of sight by the thousands of other traders, is only quick if you're lucky and do get a buyer who does actually want the item.
4. Running
Pros: Easy money, depending on where you're running. Droknar runners are best paid and can make a lot of money in only a little time.
Cons: Very few people like a runner, you require a specific build and knowledge of the area (Especially if you are going to run from Beacon's Perch to Droknar), you may be scammed, and you may be accused of scamming. Competition now is getting very fierce at Beacon's!
5. Commodity buying & selling
Pros: You don't deal with other players (unless you want to), very little to actually do other than monitor prices of runes, dyes, materials and buy and sell accordingly.
Cons: You need money in the first place, no guarantee of profit, may take a long time for items to peak and trough
6. Not watching the pennies, and just playing the game
Pros: More fun, you carry on with what you are doing, then after a certain point, you blink and discover that you have a healthy amount in your storage.
Cons: Absolutely none.
1. Low level farming
Pros: Most high level characters can solo low level areas such as the Ascalon instances and get 100% of all drops and gold. Little risk of death.
Cons: Making money is slow and may take long to even make a few k
2. Higher level farming
Pros: Better drops, more challenging and more fun
Cons: You might either need to hench (so drops and money are divided), or develop a solo build that can cope with the mobs in that area.
3. Trading
Pros: You set your prices, very quick, and easy
Cons: Standing around yelling WTS, WTS while your message gets shunted out of sight by the thousands of other traders, is only quick if you're lucky and do get a buyer who does actually want the item.
4. Running
Pros: Easy money, depending on where you're running. Droknar runners are best paid and can make a lot of money in only a little time.
Cons: Very few people like a runner, you require a specific build and knowledge of the area (Especially if you are going to run from Beacon's Perch to Droknar), you may be scammed, and you may be accused of scamming. Competition now is getting very fierce at Beacon's!
5. Commodity buying & selling
Pros: You don't deal with other players (unless you want to), very little to actually do other than monitor prices of runes, dyes, materials and buy and sell accordingly.
Cons: You need money in the first place, no guarantee of profit, may take a long time for items to peak and trough
6. Not watching the pennies, and just playing the game
Pros: More fun, you carry on with what you are doing, then after a certain point, you blink and discover that you have a healthy amount in your storage.
Cons: Absolutely none.
Algren Cole
Trelloskilos: you forgot to mention the rare crafting materials. A few of them are super cheap to craft and yield a high profit. Farm for the common materials(i.e. wood) and craft them into a rare material(i.e. parchment) and then sell it to people that need it for armor.
how do u actually craft wood into parchment?
salja Wachi
yea check hte want ads and go get a job
no reason to make money in this game except maybe to buy 15k armor if you are so inclined. the best weapons are collectors anyway and those are free
no reason to make money in this game except maybe to buy 15k armor if you are so inclined. the best weapons are collectors anyway and those are free
Luna Thirteen
Um, yeah, select the rune trader and stand next to her and hit space bar refreshing the rune list until you see a sup. monk rune, quickly try to buy it, and sell it for twice what you bought it for in trade chat.
Dead Panda
Ebay consumers suck and many of them lack in skills.
Arcanis Imperium
Find a mission in the Southern Shiverpeaks you can get through rather easily.
Do it over and over again.
Sell your drops.
Bingo, you make 3K in 2 hours.
Do it over and over again.
Sell your drops.
Bingo, you make 3K in 2 hours.
Z Man Boog
personally i think people who get ebay gold suck.
i think the best and easiest way to make money is to be a trader.
buy or barter for an item and sell it for more than you bought it for. its that simple. ive been playing for 2 months and i been up and down 500k average, and i have 2 weapons that will sell for over 1 mil each easy.(gold max dmg perfect fellbalde. 8 req. and a gold max dmg perfect sephis axe. 8 req.)
and about another mil or 2 worth of gold max dmg weapons. got them all through trading.<started out wtih selling a blue max dmg fellbalde~8k)
i think the best and easiest way to make money is to be a trader.
buy or barter for an item and sell it for more than you bought it for. its that simple. ive been playing for 2 months and i been up and down 500k average, and i have 2 weapons that will sell for over 1 mil each easy.(gold max dmg perfect fellbalde. 8 req. and a gold max dmg perfect sephis axe. 8 req.)
and about another mil or 2 worth of gold max dmg weapons. got them all through trading.<started out wtih selling a blue max dmg fellbalde~8k)
That's what I do and I've also made money in the hundred K's to date...
Here's a tip. Go buy as much wood as you can from players at 10g per plank. Then buy as much glittering dust as you can from the merchant, at 10g per pile. Then, take all those with some more money to the materials trader in the Arid Sea, near the southern zone between the Arid Sea and Vulture's Drift (watch out for the sand wurm), then use all that to make vellum. Sell the vellum to the merchants for however much it is--you'll be making each vellum at a price of 120g and selling it for more than that.
Or, you could just buy as much wood as you can for 8g per plank, use all that to make parchment from the materials crafter outside of Sardelac Sanitarium, and sell the parchment to players in Droknar's Forge for 90-100g per sheet. You'll make about a 30-40 gold profit on each sheet sold.
Or, you could just buy as much wood as you can for 8g per plank, use all that to make parchment from the materials crafter outside of Sardelac Sanitarium, and sell the parchment to players in Droknar's Forge for 90-100g per sheet. You'll make about a 30-40 gold profit on each sheet sold.
Divine Elemental
Farm HoH
UBER Gold Items
UBER Gold Items
Make at least 1k each griffon run which is about 5-8 minutes per.
Recently, the drops haven't been great though, if ever.
Make at least 1k each griffon run which is about 5-8 minutes per.
Recently, the drops haven't been great though, if ever.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
Trelloskilos: you forgot to mention the rare crafting materials. A few of them are super cheap to craft and yield a high profit. Farm for the common materials(i.e. wood) and craft them into a rare material(i.e. parchment) and then sell it to people that need it for armor.
My apologies.
Mind you, before the economy reset, this option was void, as the resale value from the rare materials merchant meant that players would actually lose money by farming in this way, converting common materials into rare with the crafter etc. The only way to get a profit was by having 10 of any rare materials, and selling to the common material trader, who would usually give a better price bolt for bolt, and even then, that wasn't exactly a guarantee. As my character is sufficiently monied up, I haven't checked to see the state of play with materials trading since the reset.
Mind you, for low to mid level characters (and even high level characters), charr hide farming seems to be a great money earner, and probably the one that I would recommend to the OP.
Just collect/farm or even buy charr hides (buy for up to 50g per hide), visit Calissa Sedgewick in Ascalon and trade 4 charr hides for fur squares, and sell the fur on. Since the reset, fur usually can be sold with the rare trader for 250-260 on average, so even just buying and not farming/collecting will net a profit of 50g per 4 hides, and for lvl 8-14 players, farming charr should be relatively easy, especially if you're switching between the Breach/Diessa Lowlands/Flame Corridoor areas.
Many more experienced players who take the time to speak to collectors will know this is a good and legit way of bumping up a character's low funds, but it surprises me that there are still people who sell charr hides in Ascalon for peanuts simply because they don't know what to do with them.
Originally Posted by Divine Elemental
Farm HoH
Sigils UBER Gold Items ^^ |