Bonus For Dunes Of Despair Mission


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005

Hi, i was just wanting to know how to get the bonus mission done for Dunes Of Despair? Its really hard to protect the ghostly hero and do the bonus at the same time before the time limit. So if anyone has any plans, ideas, secrets, etc. plz tell me ASAP thank you


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Go when it's clear, come back when hero is under attack



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Do a search of the forums for Dunes of Despair.

There is a trick that Necro's can use to beat this bonus easily.




Join Date: May 2005


If you play with other people the bonus can be quite easy - basically as soon as you have killed the 1st wave of enemy critters.. 4 of you head south to go after the bonus while the remaining 2 stay behind to protect the hero when the Enchanted critters start attacking. If you have a good enough group that will work.

With Henchies.. I'd say run south after the 1st wave... kill what you can and then run back north when the enchanted start attacking.. Once they have finished you should have ~3? minutes or so left on the counter.. run back south and try and kill the bosses quickly...

but yeah, do a search on "dunes of Despair" or "dunes Bonus" or something like that.. you'll get all the help you need


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


I did it with henchmen with about 1 minute (a lot of time) to spare.

Kill the closest boss before bringing ghost to altar.

The trick is to do loads of damage fast. Eles should work, I used mesmer side.

If you can't do Thirsty River bonus with henchmen, don't even try this one yet. Thirsty river bonus will test your skill at killing things fast. Comparatively in terms of time crunch, that one is like baking a cake from scratch and this one is cops are coming and you have illegal things in your house. I was able to easily do Thirsty with henchmen without any rest periods. 2 minutes each group, no resting and still found this one to have a time crunch. HOWEVER, this does not mean rush. Make sure you kill the scarabs that pop up. Those guys drop your party in seconds and dead henchmen = no damage.

For me as R/Me, this meant empathy and chaos storm on the enchanted/forgotten. Don't attack the one you cast empathy on. Cast, attack 2nd target, return to 1st after 2nd dead.

I used Marksmen's wager to get all that energy to cast empathy and chaos storm.

Backfire for bosses.

Order is as follows once you bring ghost to altar.
1) Stay near altar
a) Forgotten order: Left, right, up, left.
2) Run to enchanteds by door to speed up time
a) Up
b) Right
3) After the 2nd group of enchanted, you'll have 6-7 minutes or so left. It'll look like nothing is coming. The KEY to all of this is stick around and be patient. Not sure what triggers it, either 1st or 2nd enchanted group dying. Anyways, in about 20-30 seconds, a boss and 2 enchanted will come through the right door. Stay and wait for it. Let it come to the fort, at least near the bridge area right outside. Venture too far out, and you awaken scarabs which is the biggest killer.

4) Run through fort through the up(south gate)
5) Proceed to kill bosses AND their 2 helper/minions to finish mission.
Order to kill things, scarab, enchanted, boss, unless monk boss.
Each group you kill get another group headed to your hero. Ignore that, you'll kill (should be able to) the bosses and minions before hero is under attack/dead.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Jhyphi
3) After the 2nd group of enchanted, you'll have 6-7 minutes or so left. It'll look like nothing is coming. The KEY to all of this is stick around and be patient. Not sure what triggers it, either 1st or 2nd enchanted group dying. Anyways, in about 20-30 seconds, a boss and 2 enchanted will come through the right door. Stay and wait for it. Let it come to the fort, at least near the bridge area right outside. Venture too far out, and you awaken scarabs which is the biggest killer.

4) Run through fort through the up(south gate)
5) Proceed to kill bosses AND their 2 helper/minions to finish mission.
3) The boss attacks with 4:45 left to go, last time I did the mission. You can go out, kill some Scarabs/Enchanted, and come back to fend the boss off.
Also, the Scarabs sometimes are buried near the bridge; proceed slowly from the bridge in case. You don't want Scarabs draining life while the Enchanteds are attacking you.
5) You don't necessarily have to kill the minions to finish the bonus; I've killed the last boss with 3 seconds to go, Enchanteds still flailing away, and I got the bonus.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


How long ago was this with the flailing away enchanteds? Maybe they changed it before/after I did it which was last Thursday or so.

I've rushed the bosses only many times killing them all and no bonus. A group of real ppl were like, wtf why no bonus. I've read somewhere that you need boss + 2 to get bonus. When I did it, bonus didn't register till the helpers were dead also.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005

Hey guys thx for writing back i appreciate it, and also do u have a plan for bonus for a ranger, because with my guy im trying to do the bonus with a ranger???