Pre-Sear Hidden Area (possible Spoiler?)
I was just looking through my 1000+ screenshots when I rediscovered the images I took while in this cool looking pre-searing place. I'm sure some people who have played through pre-sear and beyond have never found this? I know myself would never have noticed if it wasn't for my bro finding it when I was watching him play.
(possible minor pre-sear 'exploration' Spoiler info ahead...)
The area isn't large and for some reason is free of critters and loot. We thought at least there should be a chest in there... heck maybe we missed something. I do know I don't have a pre-sear character / any char slots free to go back there anytime soon. Anyways here is a screenshot.
The area is in Regent Valley and if you leave Fort Ranik, pass the apple NPC lady, keep to your right (compass directions elude me), keep walking and head to the waters edge, cross the water (not sure if you have to go straight across or angle a bit) and find the entry behind some trees along the rock wall. Unfortunately the area is not acessable post-sear. :/ It IS however a very interesting and cool looking place.
(possible minor pre-sear 'exploration' Spoiler info ahead...)
The area isn't large and for some reason is free of critters and loot. We thought at least there should be a chest in there... heck maybe we missed something. I do know I don't have a pre-sear character / any char slots free to go back there anytime soon. Anyways here is a screenshot.
The area is in Regent Valley and if you leave Fort Ranik, pass the apple NPC lady, keep to your right (compass directions elude me), keep walking and head to the waters edge, cross the water (not sure if you have to go straight across or angle a bit) and find the entry behind some trees along the rock wall. Unfortunately the area is not acessable post-sear. :/ It IS however a very interesting and cool looking place.
Indeed. I've been there I'll go there and take some more screenshots
Yeah take some screens.
Secret Spot Location
6 random screenshots:
Secret Spot Screenshot 1
Secret Spot Screenshot 2
Secret Spot Screenshot 3
Secret Spot Screenshot 4
Secret Spot Screenshot 5
Secret Spot Screenshot 6
Secret Spot Location
6 random screenshots:
Secret Spot Screenshot 1
Secret Spot Screenshot 2
Secret Spot Screenshot 3
Secret Spot Screenshot 4
Secret Spot Screenshot 5
Secret Spot Screenshot 6
So there's nothing there? What kind of hidden area is that?
I went and saw this but just some ruined buildings.
I've never been in there before...
and what necro armor is that? I have a necro still in Pre-Searing... I haven't found a crafter yet.
and what necro armor is that? I have a necro still in Pre-Searing... I haven't found a crafter yet.
Originally Posted by Mavrik
and what necro armor is that? I have a necro still in Pre-Searing... I haven't found a crafter yet.
[email protected] Gwen Nice shots Maxiemonster.
Originally Posted by Soup4Brains
So there's nothing there? What kind of hidden area is that?
Maybe they forgot to put the hidden loot in? Or the loot is so well hidden, nobody has ever found it.
Arcanis Imperium
Originally Posted by Soup4Brains
So there's nothing there? What kind of hidden area is that?
Oh you know, it could be a hidden area that's peaceful, beautiful and a treasure itself to find and be in.
That might be it. Dont be so filled with greed, enjoy the beauty of Pre. TheGreatBoo
There may have been a chest there before. It may have been taken out on the account of players farming it though. Doesn't seem like there would be anything worth farming there though haha.
Ive never seen that place before.. or at least i don't remeber going there..
nice pictures Arcanis Imperium
I spent alot of time there today with my Pre-Searing Ranger, and the more I was there the more the name I thought of for it rang true.
So, even though I have no social or political status, I'd like to suggest we refer to that area as "Melandru's Garden" Anyone have any other ideas? MCS
I've yet to see a picture of gwen that didn't look evil.
I can only hope when the secret is revealed she died a slow and painful death. Age
Originally Posted by Mavrik
I've never been in there before...
and what necro armor is that? I have a necro still in Pre-Searing... I haven't found a crafter yet. You get the boots in the catacombs behind Munne.The leggings on hill in Regent Vally near the Ranger Trueshot and the Guirass at Fort Ranik and gloves by the turn to to Regent Valley from the city of Ascalon it is on your right.These are all collectors Charrbane
Originally Posted by Arcanis Imperium
I spent alot of time there today with my Pre-Searing Ranger, and the more I was there the more the name I thought of for it rang true.
So, even though I have no social or political status, I'd like to suggest we refer to that area as "Melandru's Garden" Anyone have any other ideas? Melandru's Garden sounds good to me. Nice one. Kampfkeks
Hm, we could start a rumor...
"Running ppl to Melandrus Garden!!!!!! U NEED FOR UBAR GWEN QUEST!!!! 1 plat each!" Arcanis Imperium
LOL! If only alot of people had 1 Plat in Pre.
...i have like 20k in pre now if only i wernt to read this...
Arcanis the Omnipotent
its best not to exploit this place. Its just a nice place to visit to take the edge off in Pre.
My ranger basically lived in it when ever I went AFK. I was sad to see it go when my final character seared. I love that spot. G_MAGNUS
That place has been there and empty for a long time. Even since before they changed the way chests worked it's been empty. If indeed there was at one point something there, it would have had to been way back in beta.
Mr Fizzle
Lets see what else I saw today...
OH yeah! In Talmark Wilderness.*SPOILERS*Do Not Look Below If You HAVE NOT Beaten The Gates of Kryta Mission(But I Think Most Of You Have) Well I was running around in Talmark Wilderness trying to practice a run from ToA to Druid's Overlook well I got lost as hell but THEN,I found the location of the "Scepter of Orr Temple" I found that holding area place in the mission of Gates of Kryta. The Son Of Morgoth
You know ..... i think i finally solved the mystery of Gwen the underworld as soon as u spawn if u look behind u .... u will see gwens mom talkin to other ghosts asking where gwen is.......i think gwen never really died in the searing......i think she is going to appear in the 2nd chap as a warrior.......she always said she wanted to be an adventurer so....i think i hit it on the nail with this theory comments ploz
Kai Nui
What is that supposed to be anyway? A gargoyle, griffon, glint?
It's not really a "hidden area" if you found it. Still, it's a picturesque spot, perfect for a romantic date.
Originally Posted by The Son Of Morgoth
You know ..... i think i finally solved the mystery of Gwen the underworld as soon as u spawn if u look behind u .... u will see gwens mom talkin to other ghosts asking where gwen is.......i think gwen never really died in the searing......i think she is going to appear in the 2nd chap as a warrior.......she always said she wanted to be an adventurer so....i think i hit it on the nail with this theory comments ploz
As soon as I saw the idea of an assassin I thought "Hmm... might Gwen have changed her name?"
The Son Of Morgoth
Another theory that i might have....but its prob not rite but it would be uber cool if it was is that gwen was held captive by the char and eventually turns into their right hand ur sister in the game fable with the bandits and such.
Karl Denham
I doubt very much that she is with the charr.......
Originally Posted by Seissor
It's not really a "hidden area" if you found it. Still, it's a picturesque spot, perfect for a romantic date.
AHAHA a romantic date... Try Paris.
Nice screens. That area looks gorgeous.
For an area that was added last there seems to have been a heck of a lot of attention spent on pre-searing Ascalon. In my opinion it's easily the most enjoyable area in the game (as well as the best looking). I get kind of bored with the seared Ascalon pretty quickly.
storm of daeth
After seeing that spot im gonna go make a new char just to go see it now =D and gwens mom in uw is wierd i think if people really made it to every little place in the uw and did every quest all in the same run that they would end up finding her ghost.
Well Gwen got all the way to fisherman's haven so who knows how much further she got - I doubt she's dead. *Spoilers* Probs whent hey fix the quest you have to take her stuff (gwen's broekn fluter, tapestry shard, torn girl's cape, etc) to Sarah in the underworld. Maybe Gwen got all the way to cantha on a boat from sanctum cay?
You'll probably see Gwen in Chapter 5 or something..
Angel Develin
the new dragon boss is gwen's pet
Gwen is that emo girl from "the ring"
Lady Frost Bite
I'm sorry to spoil your dream but the area you found is not a new or hiddin area its just the back way in to the catacombs.Granted not alot of ppl know about it because not everyone clears out the catacombs but thats all it is, just a back door.As for gwen per a long ago thread the quest for all of her stuff is supposed to be coming out in chapter 2. GW won't give that much info on gwen but from what ppl have said and my guilds ideas we believe that gwen is the reason for the searing and her quest in chapter 2 will be an uber quest.
Originally Posted by Lady Frost Bite
I'm sorry to spoil your dream but the area you found is not a new or hiddin area its just the back way in to the catacombs.Granted not alot of ppl know about it because not everyone clears out the catacombs but thats all it is, just a back door.As for gwen per a long ago thread the quest for all of her stuff is supposed to be coming out in chapter 2. GW won't give that much info on gwen but from what ppl have said and my guilds ideas we believe that gwen is the reason for the searing and her quest in chapter 2 will be an uber quest.
Actually, you're wrong. This area has nothing to do with the catacombs, it doesn't lead to any entrance. I don't think it has any use, but it looks pretty great. I would be nice of ANet to place a tamable bear in here though
Offtopic: Lady frost bite ...are you a lady blue steel tribute act ?
Dark Tykane
This doesn't seem like a secret area to me.
Theres a few places like it in presear I'll try to post a few pics of another place I found they I don't think they were ment to be secret just good looking to add to the peaceful feel of presear. Dark Tykane
Originally Posted by Dark Tykane
Theres a few places like it in presear I'll try to post a few pics of another place I found they I don't think they were ment to be secret just good looking to add to the peaceful feel of presear. I'm hoping i posted the links right... |