Price Check: +15% Spiked Warhammer


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Seven Thunders



I had an auction going where I was selling a Max damage gold spikey warhammer, and I got an offer of 30k, the bidder hasn't contacted me in 1 week so I consider the bid null and void. The stats are: Gold, 19-35 req 10, Sundering 10/7 +15% damage while enchanted. Its the rarer warhammer type all black with spirals of metal spikes on the head. I can add a +5 defensive haft if I need to. Whats the value of this hammer?

Also, how much would a gold max defense aegis req 10 tactics or less -2 while enchanted and -2 in stance cost me?

Thanks =)