my war uses a hammer concerntrating on knockdowns followed by blindness for easy soloing. one problem is i need a secondary prof that has an attribute with a good heal and a good def skill, and possibly a good damage dealing, i know i am asking for alot allready but there must be something out there.
i am thinking of wilderness survival with troll unguant dryders def and apply poisen as this will work with my hammer. however air magic i like as it has more knockdowns and good damage dealing, but i am left with a lack of healing powers.
any suggestions plz post
second prof for my warrior
Well, if you are talking PvE, W/Mo is a good way to go. You can use healing skills, protection prayers, smiting skills. In fact, if you are using knockdown hammer skills, holy strike is a good smite skill to have as it does x dmg initially, and if they are knocked down, and additional x dmg. My PvP W/Mo can knockdown someone and use holy strike to do an additional 80 damage!!! Not bad for a "tank", "meat shield", "cookie cutter class".