monk range weapons?

Fox Reeveheart

Fox Reeveheart

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


none q.q


Ok, I have a R/MO who just doesnt want to use his bow anymore, for the reason its too handed and he wants MORE energy. So for his off-hand I found a good purple healing ankh with like +12 energy and some other stuff with low reqs. Now I have a main hand without anything in it... my old ascalon bow i got like in... pre searing i think.. gave like +5 energy... so now im looking for some type of monk weapon thats one handed and is ranged? does it exist?

One thing i seen was smiting STAFFS and smiting RODS, is there a difference or was i just high on acid or something?



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Rods are one-handed. Staves are two-handed, meaning the Healing Ankh won't work with it. All monk weapons are ranged, too.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Moa Birds [MB]


Wand + Off-hand (Highest Energy Potential):
Can't Modify (You're stuck with what you got.)
Energy +12 from Off-Hand (+42 Energy with Special Wand and Off-hand combined. BUT gives -2 Energy regen.)

Staff (Most Customizable):
Can modify. (+Armor, +Energy, +Health, etc.)
Max Energy +10 (+15 with energy addon)