I noticed last night when playing with a buddy that we had some real difficulties getting into the same district. When trying to change, there were two primary weird things that occured:
(1) Districts would pop up the "Error: District is closing..." message. I'm assuming this means the district is full, and (if the devs read this) it would be really nice to have the districts color coded or something similar to tell if a district has a light/medium/full population.
(2) The game would act like a successful district move had been made, but I wouldn't end up in the correct district! For example, I would choose to move to District 23 and I would end up in District 7 (arbitrarily chosen numbers). This happened both in Ashford Abbey and in Post-Searing Ascalon, so I'm assuming it's happening all over the place and not just in one zone.
Is anyone else having these problems when changing districts? These bugs (I suppose they're bugs) made trying to get my buddy and I in the same district a real pain in the butt.
Anyone Else Having District Issues?
Sometimes a friend and I will "be" in the same district, in the same area of the district, in the same region obviously, and we can't see eachother. For example, we'd both see that we're in District 4 in Ascalon City, standing before Tydus, but we couldn't see eachother.
This has happened to me in past BWE as well. The solution to the problem is both jumping to a different district and meeting up.
I guess one of us is seeing the wrong district.
This has happened to me in past BWE as well. The solution to the problem is both jumping to a different district and meeting up.
I guess one of us is seeing the wrong district.
Yes, this is happening to me often. Very annoying. I am not sure if it has to do with the quest you each are trying to do. Maybe some have to be solo'd?
Last night there were 2 client updates in the short time I was on. Some friends and I noticed issues with the district lists and some other oddities during that time. It seems that once we exited, got the new client and got back in game, things were ok again. It may have been a temporary thing they were working on. 2 updates in just a couple hrs is a lot so I assume they are trying to rush and fix some last minute bugs. Id be patient with it. Give it a day or two and see if you are still having problems.
Fair enough. I'll wait and give them an opportunity to fix bugs. I just wanted to raise awareness about this issue and to make sure it wasn't just me and my buddy having these problems.
I'll log on again tonight and see if it's still happening. Thank you all for the replies
I'll log on again tonight and see if it's still happening. Thank you all for the replies