Is this possible for people who play PvP?
The Great Al
I know in PvE, you can unlock items for your PvP lets say a guild mate, or someone you know, plays PvE only, and has an unsalvaged superior rune or absorption...can that person lend it to the PvEer, have them salvage it, and then give it back? Isn't that kind of cheating, like making 2 runes out of one?
I think the player has to actually identify the items to unlock the skill not just possesing the item.
do you mean unidentified, salvaging a rune out of an item does unlock it for pvp you have to identify it.
I do believe that if a guild mate let you borrow his unidentifed rune to itdentify it and then give it back to him, i think that would surve the purpose your looking for i believe.
I do believe that if a guild mate let you borrow his unidentifed rune to itdentify it and then give it back to him, i think that would surve the purpose your looking for i believe.
If it's unsalvaged, i.e. Tengu Armor of Superior Absorption, then your friend has already identified it and unlocked it (if not already) for him/herself. If you salvage it, you won't unlock it.
I think what he means, is.. If a PvE player finds a rune, doesn't identify it, and lends it to a PvP character to identify, and then returns it to the PvE character.. The PvE character can use it, as can the PvP character?
Originally Posted by EverBlue
I think what he means, is.. If a PvE player finds a rune, doesn't identify it, and lends it to a PvP character to identify, and then returns it to the PvE character.. The PvE character can use it, as can the PvP character?
If it's like that then the skill will be unlocked for the PvP player account and not for the PvE player account. The PvE may still use the rune but it will not be available for his/her PvP account.
Exactly. My guildmates are doing this for me since I need the superior Ele runs unlocked. When they find one, they trade it to me. I id it and that unlocks it for me in PvP. They can then keep or sell it as they need. I got Sup Vigor that way.
Ummm do u know it's a superior of whatever if it isn't ID'ed in the first place? It'll just be chances of what you're getting.
Edit: O, yea you could've expert salvaged it first but still u couldn't tell which skill even if you know the class it's for.
Edit: O, yea you could've expert salvaged it first but still u couldn't tell which skill even if you know the class it's for.
Originally Posted by Chobby
Edit: O, yea you could've expert salvaged it first but still u couldn't tell which skill even if you know the class it's for.