as picture shows above.
Max Dmg Summit Axe 8 req
13% Damage Always
-5 Energy
10/10 Sundering
+29 life
starting bids at 80k. accepting ectos at 8k and shards at 4k though i'd prefer cash or items (15>50 long sword
bid increments of 5k each time pls
hidden reserve. buyer has right not to sell if reserve is not met.
IGN : Jm Equinoxx
edit :
killer toast : added pictures of me carrying the axe.updated about ectos and shards
Wrath of Moo : i told you in game that i was looking for at least 100+k in game and that i wanted to see how much i could get cos i might be changing to sword. i did not say for sure that i would sell. so sorry if you got me wrong.
Vito : thanks for the bumping