While waiting around beacons me and my guildies decided to get wasted, I bought averyone beer a 12 count for one guy, 15 count for another and I had 17 Ales and recorded it. Ok, so it is pointless but MAN! when ur drunk as hell it simulates it well.
I'm Drunk...Stop shouting!!!!
its like 10mb.
17 Dwarven Ales at once Video.
nooby nooby
do you need like high detailed to experience the helusinating?
Haha, like the song. It's a decent representation of being under the influence, but doubt that after 17 beers that you could even still stand up.
Word of advice. No. If you are young and you've never been drunk before DON'T ever think about getting drunk to experience it. It's a totally different ballgame.
Word of advice. No. If you are young and you've never been drunk before DON'T ever think about getting drunk to experience it. It's a totally different ballgame.
I am not sure about the graphics part, i think it would not matter as long as your Graphics Card supports the effects.
What it is like on Ale!
Well, your character says they are going to be sick, everyone is shouting and you are the king of the world. if u stand still they will either sit on their own.
I want to do an Unrated GvG battle and have both parties on Ale (lots of Ale! about 10 per use) for say 5 minutes! record the battle AND teamspeak sessions! Woot!!!
hmmmm.....maybe after my ascension movie...BUT that would be expensive, say a 5 vs. 5 no henchies. 50 ales for 5 guys for first run would be 10k lasts about 1 minute per use. so 50k for 5 minutes!
maybe I would do 5 ales per use. OR MUHAHAHAHA make it a BYOA (Bring your own Ale.)
Man, i need to sell runes to make up the cost, i spent like 400k recently and I have like 50k left
anyone need a superior monk protection and a superior monk Unident. ?
I have been shredded ONCE in real ife and swore NEVER again. not my most dignified moments, my roommates (showed me video proof of it as well) said I set the kitchen counter on fire with the 190 proof grain alchohal we had at the party we threw (ah college) hit on pretty much every female there, hung off the balcony (2nd floor) and finished the night with head in the toilet, my roomies helped me out and flushed the toilet to get the fumes away from me since I was like a faucet...ahh, i do remember the mist of water felt so good ......NEVER GET DRUNK!!!! you can look like an ass by yourself u dont need drinks to assist you.
What it is like on Ale!
Well, your character says they are going to be sick, everyone is shouting and you are the king of the world. if u stand still they will either sit on their own.
I want to do an Unrated GvG battle and have both parties on Ale (lots of Ale! about 10 per use) for say 5 minutes! record the battle AND teamspeak sessions! Woot!!!
hmmmm.....maybe after my ascension movie...BUT that would be expensive, say a 5 vs. 5 no henchies. 50 ales for 5 guys for first run would be 10k lasts about 1 minute per use. so 50k for 5 minutes!
maybe I would do 5 ales per use. OR MUHAHAHAHA make it a BYOA (Bring your own Ale.)
Man, i need to sell runes to make up the cost, i spent like 400k recently and I have like 50k left
anyone need a superior monk protection and a superior monk Unident. ?
I have been shredded ONCE in real ife and swore NEVER again. not my most dignified moments, my roommates (showed me video proof of it as well) said I set the kitchen counter on fire with the 190 proof grain alchohal we had at the party we threw (ah college) hit on pretty much every female there, hung off the balcony (2nd floor) and finished the night with head in the toilet, my roomies helped me out and flushed the toilet to get the fumes away from me since I was like a faucet...ahh, i do remember the mist of water felt so good ......NEVER GET DRUNK!!!! you can look like an ass by yourself u dont need drinks to assist you.
hunter ale is strongger
Originally Posted by conker
hunter ale is strongger
where do u get it?
Originally Posted by Akilles
where do u get it?
Get it off the bear hunters in pre-sear / Regent Valley. I had a hunters ale but when I used it, nothing happened. Meh. :/