I have searched this forum for this question but its not giving me the exact answer to this question (but it comes close....lol)
What is the best build for a healing monk, i love being a monk and the challange of keeping the team in the battle but id like to know the best skills att points and armour.
Healing Monk
the haunter
Go to the build forum. There really isn't a "best" way to spend your attribute points, though if you're a healing monk they *should* be mostly in healing.
I have 16 in Healing Attributes. Superior Healing Rune and the head Tattoo +1 healing.
13 in Divine. The 12, and Minor Divine.
I put the remaining in Protection.
I use Rebirth.
Healing Touch for self-healing.
Divine Healing for group.
Healing Breeze.
Healing Seed.
Heal Other.
Heal Party.
and for my elite, Word of Healing.
13 in Divine. The 12, and Minor Divine.
I put the remaining in Protection.
I use Rebirth.
Healing Touch for self-healing.
Divine Healing for group.
Healing Breeze.
Healing Seed.
Heal Other.
Heal Party.
and for my elite, Word of Healing.
Divine Elemental
Which pve or pvp?