We will see. Well I'm off to create a smurf guild or 2 for the weekend.
Red Locust
God knows why they hit enchantment removal so hard back in december. They turned it from ridiculously good into ridiculously bad.
Really? There was doubt? It wasn't obvious that costly spells that take forever to recharge cannot possibly compete with cheap, spammable enchantments?
im not sure about any buffs. i love qz. best ritual ever. if er is buffed, im gonna laugh so hard itll stop being funny. 1st buff: rend to 15s cooldown. and shattere to 15s as well. tbh, i dont really think its needed under qz. and that will remain the problem. if you buff them, by (the obvious choice) modding recharge times, you dramatically increase people using stuff like qz, meaning while most people not using it are good, the few that are whip all kinds of enchantment ass. a 15s rend is reasonable. a 7s rend is not.
Being right and getting right are two completely different things Blackace.
Must suck to be you
Stuff like this happens everywhere. It sucks, but very hard to change.
greetings Makkert
Must suck to be you

Stuff like this happens everywhere. It sucks, but very hard to change.
greetings Makkert