so whats the deal with armor?
I'm currently level 6 mesmer/ranger.
I got a message saying "you will need to get new armor soon" or something like that in the tips window. I keep getting stuff off corpses called "salvage items" that say use them to generate reagants or something, but when I double click them nothing happens.
I did find one guy who said bring me wood and I'll make parchment and stufflike that... but there hasn't been any easy or obvious way to figure out how I get new armor or what the salvage items are for.
Can someone give me either a link to a rundown on the basics of armor, or describe them? I read the "armor compendium" thing at but it just lists a bunch of sets and tells you the stats/reqs to make them, doesn't give a general overview of how armor/salvage works in GW.
Pevil Lihatuh
Well basically in most of the pre-searing towns you will find NPC's with (Armour) after their name. What you do is buy a salvage kit from a Merchant and use it on the things that you find (e.g Grawl Shaman Gear, Skale Fin etc) which will give you 'common crafting materials'. Take these to the Armour person and depending on the town and your profession you can get new armour. For example right now I need hides to get some new armour for my Ranger. Not sure what materials other classes use.
so the trick is in the salvage kit!
thanks for the info
so the trick is in the salvage kit!
thanks for the info