Originally Posted by Savio
Ouch, burn on the mods. They ARE doing their jobs, and for free too.
For maybe every 3 newbs on your team, you'll be tearing through 80 more. It's not cool to bring Droknar's to Asacalon-Yak's Bend arenas. That's already agreed upon by both sides here.
Max weapons...it's possible to put a limit too, since there's only a certain level of sword/axe/hammer that will drop around Ascalon. However, weapons become more irrelevant around Yak's Bend and because of skills and armor.
It is not burning the mods, I am asking for improvements around here.... They are pretty active and friendly it seems... There are also rules, made for a reason.. which keep being broken and nobody is punished... just stating my opinion.......
I never said it was "cool"... A lot of people who think they are uber go there though and taunt every team they smash.... If I go there for a couple K of faction and I am nice and friendly and helpful, I do not think this is bad.. It is not a hack or exploit and it is not overwhelmingly unfair.. This is a possibility coded into the game that was most likely considered.. I see no reason it should be changed before other more important things........
Yes lets limit the weapons.... 4-18 for axes sound good? What if I have the ability to get later on in the game and find my own 5-23 axe? Can't use it.... now that is fair...... you guys sound like socialists.. kind of sickening.....
Originally Posted by Elistan Theocrat
Yes, a mod was here and did not see fit to close the thread at time. Some people think that if they dont like a thread, it should be deleted.
It would not be that difficult for arena net to fix this, but for those who would troll and claim that this post is somehow wasting arenanet's time in which they could be fixing something they want fixed instead, I dont flatter myself to think that they are going to act on my post. People who are paying attention realize that I'm calling for the community to fix this so that Anet doesnt have to. I dont care if people want to have droks armor at lvl 10. I fail to see any justification for wearing it in the ascalon arena though. This is not something anet should have to fix, if people decided this was unacceptable behavior it could be fixed by the playerbase without wasting any of anets time they could be using to fix those issues that other people say are more important than this.
Fine, if they don't want to follow their own rules.. I will adblock their ads.. $0.73 cents a year lost.. I am sure they care....
Ok Theocrat.... Go read ALL of the rules and explain how you are not breaking any of them please.. I freaking DARE you.......
The community to fix it????????
How long have you played GuildWars? A lot of people can't even read to the end of my WTS spam and understand the phrase "no offer = no response"... you expect even 1 person to read your crap and change their ways.... enjoy the puffy pink clouds you float on daily........... You are not the judge of what is acceptable ArenaNet is... enjoy all of your quests for nerfage....