Expert Salvage?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Bad Newz Va

none at this time


Only been in New Asc. for bout an hour of play and spent the entire hour looking for a merchant or collector with an expert salvage kit....and no luck at all lol if anyone could tell me if they know of a merchant or collector with one in old ascalon or ascalon city please let me know...ive been picking up weapons in old ascalon that i think may be highly salvagable..... got a dwarf slaying hammer or something of the sort right before i gave up last night if anyone knows what that is... but thanks in advance for the help



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Dvd Forums [DVDF]


Keep playing, you'll find it. You just stated yourself, you played for 1 hour, then you came here to ask a question. Play the game like you should, and you'll find it no problem.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

European Server or International

You won't get an experct salvage kit for a while yet... I think you can first get it when you get into the mountains. It costs 400 gold but I bet that if you offered 500 you could get them from people just hanging out in Ascalon.

And a small tidbit of advice, salvage EVERYTHING that you're not going to use in some way. And save it all in storage... the funds add up and by the time you're nearly at the end you'll be glad you did this.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Bad Newz Va

none at this time


alright thanks...i didnt know if there was one right under my nose that i was missing or somethin

::edit:: when you say put it in u mean sell it and put the money in storage? or is there a way you can put materials in storage as well?

Count Feanor

Count Feanor

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

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You can put anything in your inventory into storage, including crafting materials. Crafting materials are good because they stack and You can put quite a bit into it. I think 500 pieces each.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

European Server or International

the method to put items in storage isn't explained and isn't clear.... but once you know how it's so simple it's almost retarded. After you get your storage account (seek out Xunlai with 50 gold in your pocket) you open your inventory window and just drag and drop.

edit: you can stack 250 of any material... and don't keep more than 500 of anything except for iron and wood. Anything else (like bone and shells for example) aren't worth the cash equivilent of the space they occupy.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Bad Newz Va

none at this time


haha ya...your right....i feel rel smart now...i was like all i can do is deposit $$ but this game does like the drag/drop effect with skills and everything...thanx again for ithe info!

Swampgirl Inez

Swampgirl Inez

"I love reading trash!"

Join Date: May 2005

Home Again

The earliest you can buy an expert kit is in Piken Square or in Ft. Ranik.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Bad Newz Va

none at this time


i was in pre ascalon and had the cahnce to buy an expert kit but passed it up because i thoguth a regular and expert were the exact same....he was in the woods i belive but cant remember for sure...