What are you gonna do? school starts!
Just a question for all guilds, i know that lots of players have school soon, and plus the game has been out for awhile. Eventually, players will become less and less. I know school starts will affect majority guilds, what are you gonna do? There's so many small guilds out there, eventually they will all die out because of inactive members. I have a big guild 70+ active members but 1/3 of them are teenages, it'll affect me some how when their school starts. I believe the main goal of this games is teamwork and cooperate. I believe everyone would like to have more members and plays together. So what will you do as a leader when school start? Are you going to quit or merge with other guides? Or it would affect you at all?
I was a guild leader of a small guild (10 members) but I start studying for my masters here in about two weeks. I turned the guild over to one of the officers and since the guild only had a couple of active people, I left the guild. Just don't have time to be a leader or officer and I'd like to find a good active guild to join next if I have the time.
Axel Revolver
Yes, that is also a problem for my guild too. I, myself, still have to go to school, and only two of our members seem to be in there mid-age being active. Well, if most are teenagers, I don't see the problem. They'll probably get on doing the weekends, and in reality, most of Guil Wars Player first go to school, after school, do whatever, get home at 6, do homework for an hour or two, and play games until 9PM - 12AM. That's the avg. in my opinion, that's enough time to train, GvG, recruit, and do 5+ quests or exploring to half a region. School isn't the problem, the problem is the member's social life. Whether he/she has many friends who want to hang out after school or not.
EDIT: Jobs too.
EDIT: Jobs too.
Druids Arrow
Solution! Play GW in school.
heh im the leader of my guild and school starts thursday for me... not gonna play much this week, getting my school supplies and such now lol..... but my solution is just not play till weekend... during school days i usually goto friends or do hw + go outside ... So Weekend is the answer =)
Kuku Monk
Hehe, no school for me, ever again. I have noticed somewhat of a decline in the numbers of players lately. Not so much sure if that's related to school starting or if people are just getting bored with the game. I for one will be playing less once college football, NFL, and Survivor starts.
The major thing I'm concern is how can you do events or mission together when they aren't on as much. I mean yea, they can play after school. but are you sure the time they are on and you'll on at the same time too? I know everyone came from different areas and different time zones. So basically you guys wont do things together until you see each other on? Although it will affect me a little because we do many events in a single day. We do tomb, UW, missions, always with whole guild, cuz we have more than 50 members active every single day (in different time zone but last log-on still within 24 hours), and the other 20 members active within 1 week. cuz we 2/3 are not teenages. Since we do events alot, so participation will be affect some how, cuz they won't log on as many hours as before in a single day. It's fine to me cuz we have a big guild. but what will happen to small guilds? Before school starts, maybe there's more members log on more hours in a day. but now, they only log-on after school. If they have homeworks, basically you won't see them until the weekend. How can you manage it when there's not many active members or do events together? That's what my question.