What I WILL do:
Update my starting post at least daily. Make the trade between 18:30 CET - 24:00 CET on working days, between 12:01 - 24:00 CET in weekends. (CET=Central European Time=EST/EDT+6) If multiple people are bidding on a single item, I will turn it into an auction with an ending time. Deliver anywhere in American and International districts. Accept either in-game gold pieces, Obisidian Shards or Globs of Ectoplasm. (Shards = 3.5k/piece, Ecto's = 9k/piece) If prices exceed 100k (which I doubt), I will use the services provided by MCS of this forum. What I WILL NOT do:NOT make the trade once a person has bidded on an item and my reserve is met. (It's all about clearing my inventory...) Bump within 24 hours and virtually killing off my own thread. Advertise with these items in-game. (So it is a GuildWarsGuru.com forums only offer.) Sell under the minimum offer price. (It's there for a reason.) Currently, I do not have buy out prices for the items. PM me on this forum or in-game if you want to offer a reasonable B/O. These offers should preferably contain shards, ecto's or a staff wrapping of enchanting >18% longer enchantments, but any amount of gold pieces will be considered as well.
Keywords for users searching items:
Fortitude, Furious, Insightfull, Storm Bow, Choas Axe, Mursaat Hammer, Long Sword, Half Moon, Staff
Bidding is over, people who have bid will receive a PM from me Wednesday between 18:00 and 24:00 CET.
Table Format:
Item Number - Minimum offer - Current Offer - IGN Bidder - # of bidders (for auction)
Final Bids:
Axes A2 - 5k - 5k - Alpha Project - 1 Hammers H7 - 5k - 5k - Mia Arilan - 1 H8 - 15k - 16k - Zeeke Civica - 1 Swords Sw2 - 20k - 35k - Pyotr Tchaikovsky - 3 Sw3 - 50k - 50k - General Acayne - 1 Staves St1 - 5k - 10k - Dark Wizard Tom - 2 Bows B1 - 2k - 2k - Gwaihir Shadowsong - 1 B5 - 5k - 5k - Healer Akira - 1 Weapon Upgrades U2 - 8k - 8k - Healer Akira - 1 U4 - 8k - 8k - Healer Akira - 1 U5 - 50k - 70k - Ajax Chaos Knight - 1