Ranger Male Fow Armor
Congradz dude, but I really dont think its worth it, IT should be WAAAAY more amazing
Storm Crow
yes, congrats. I like it, for some reason it looks cooler than some of the other armors Ive seen
its the gloves, they pwn, but i gotta agree with Etaisella, it should be looking waaaay cooler...at least some more detail :/
hmm well i think its more detil if u dont dye it but i like the black color so im just gonna leave it as it is ;D
oh and heres a picture of me and my guild mate he has necro fow armor dyed silver (he aint as cool as me )
oh and heres a picture of me and my guild mate he has necro fow armor dyed silver (he aint as cool as me )
do you have picks of the undyed version by any chance ? i realy dislike black dyed armor ...
Dont want to offend that necro m8 of urs, but it looks like a scary version of some sort if STD... I dont see the point in paying 2 mil for looking like u got mutated diseases =#
;D well fow armor is fow armor no matter how it looks
Forbidden Angel
Welll I'll be.. it does need to look more kewler.. then again.. warrior's FoW armor doesnt look too much of a difference from the other kind of FoW armor.. =/
Sai of Winter
Male Ranger FoW armor is bad@$$!!!
i know im going to sound like a noob for asking this but.........were can i get this awesome armor
Da Cebuano
uhhh, its called "FISSURE" armor for a reason. I'll leave you to figure it out from there.