The game.

Sun tzu

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Hi all i am a long time online players. Played games like Eve, Star wars, Everquest 2. and have been playing World of Warcraft from the Finaly beta.

could someone tell me what is diffent with Guild wars.

Why is there a second Class.

Is there trade skills in the game.

I am from England, i have friend in the states can i play on the same sever.

Are Monk like Healers or are they Martial arts fighters.

If someone please told help me out with anyone of these question i would be greatfully.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

to give much more variety and flexibility to your character

no trade skills , no mining or woodchopping etc



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Philadelphia, PA

Originally Posted by Sun tzu
Hi all i am a long time online players. Played games like Eve, Star wars, Everquest 2. and have been playing World of Warcraft from the Finaly beta.

could someone tell me what is diffent with Guild wars.

Why is there a second Class.

Is there trade skills in the game.

I am from England, i have friend in the states can i play on the same sever.

Are Monk like Healers or are they Martial arts fighters.

If someone please told help me out with anyone of these question i would be greatfully.
You are allowed two professions to diversify your character. You choose one primary and one secondary. Since you are limited to only 8 skills at a time you can use, picking certain combinations of two classes can really impact the style of gameplay that you experience.

To answer you questions:

Yes, Monks are the healers in the game. They are the only healing profession currently implemented.

Unlike Everquest, DAoC or WoW, there are no "servers" that you can choose to play on. There are "districts" where numbers of players are grouped together in major towns to avoid overcrowding, but you can easily transfer between districts provided you know which district your friends are playing on. Basically, you can play the game with anyone in the world without restriction.

There are currently no tradeskills in the game.

Sun tzu

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

thanks for the help. so what are the best class to be. i Know it all depends on what you like playing. but could someone please tell me which class mix better together.?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Sun tzu
thanks for the help. so what are the best class to be. i Know it all depends on what you like playing. but could someone please tell me which class mix better together.?
One of the beautys of Guild Wars is that all professions mesh well together. Its the player behind the character that does the goofing up.

- Iczer