In conjunction with this weekend's PVPX, I would like to pose this question.
How does Guild Faction point reward system Work?
It says depending on how long you have been in a guild, but thats very vague. Is it based solely on how long you have been a member, your status, hours logged, or GVG combat within the guikld.....?
I did a search and didnt find much, I am very interested in these reward especially with a 2.5X extra incentive coming up this weekend.
Guild Status and Faction Reward?
Mr Bananapants
Directly from the Guild Wars site...
That aside. Normally you will gain full faction in GvG when you've been a member in the guild for a week (or was it 2wks?)
This weekend only, gain full faction for guild-vs-guild victories, regardless of the period of time you've been a member of your guild. |
huh ok - if it helps I'm in my current one over 2wks and I got 300 faction last couple wins in GvG
300 is the minimum, it's what you'll get for beating a team beneath you in the ladder.
This explains a lot. I thought it was strange that I was only getting 64 faction points for GvG victories. It feels like i've been in the guild a while, but in retrospect it's probably still less than 2 weeks.