Why did they take away the little frizzlies on the bottom of the 15k Pyromancer armor?! *Cry*
ANet pulls a fast one on us! :O
I've known about that since the 15k glads and druids update and submitted a bug report
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by Asplode
Why did they take away the little frizzlies on the bottom of the 15k Pyromancer armor?! *Cry*
I like it better the way it is now
I like it better the way it is now

Yeah, the frizzles seem more Necro than Elementalist >_>
and that is not just regular pyromancer skirt or is it actual 15k skirt?
I guess they did not want you looking like a lamp shade
nice pictures
nice pictures
ecto bomb
is it a bug or did they really take the frizzles off?
bug I'm thinking