As with the BWEs with release we've been allowed back into the game and we can see what's different. And there are a few changes of note once again. So once again we'll have this thread so we can all be made aware of them. I'm sure the list will grow but for now:
NPCs: Most NPCs in game now have individual names. Gone are the faceless Crafters and Outfitters we all knew and loved. And in their place is a menagerie of names and possibly faces (Unconfirmed Are there different models for specific types of NPCs?). You can now tell which NPC is which through the tag after their name. You'll see, say, Hammish <Merchant>. Those that will craft you armor have <Armor>, those that customize your weapons have <Weapons>. And so on. Skill trainers are the exception as they have no tag and can be missed but they tend to be central and important sounding.
Quests: Many quests now give out items and equipment in addition to just XP. Not all do but there are a lot of item reward quests and those items will be placed into your inventory when you complete the quest. These items are decent, if unspectacular and cannot be salvaged but they can be sold for a sizeable amount of money compared to equivalent item drops. You cannot complete quests with item rewards if you don't have inventory space (Thanks, XMa).
Also, there are a lot of quests now outside of Pre-Searing which will reward you with skills, too. Mostly these are out in the Explorable Areas. We're working to catalog them all but it's going to take some time.
Also, the directional green arrow that points you to where a quest leads is now including for quests Post-Searing as well.
Also, it's now a requirement to complete the "Second Profession" quests and, well, gain a second profession before entering the Academy and leaving Pre-Searing. (thanks ctg-steve)
Skill Trainers: As someone said on IRC, skill trainers have been gutted. At least the first few, I haven't quite made it all the way through the game in the span of 24 hours or anything, but this holds true through the Shiverpeaks at least. They no longer have a wide assortment of skills but instead will sell you those skills whihc you could have unlocked in the previous area. For example, there is no skill trainer for Monks in Pre-Searing. But through quest rewards they can earn Bane Signet, Banish (primary only), Healing Breeze (primary only), Orison of Healing, Retribution, Reversal of Fortune, Shielding Hands, and Symbol of Wrath. Once you get to Post-Searing the skill trainer will sell you all of those - primary or secondary so secondaries can pick up Healing Breeze and Banish - and Gaurdian (which might or might not be available Pre-Searing, I haven't found it if it's there, though). There are skill quests available in Old Ascalon, too, and by the time you get to Yak's Bend the skill trainer there will have those skills for sale and NOT the skills the Post-Searing trainer had (The list of skills the Yak's Bend trainer sells now is: Heal Area, Heal Party, Infuse Health, Live Vicariously, Mending, Purge Conditions, Resurrect, Smite, Strength of Honor, and Vital Blessing. All of those I've heard are available in quests but I haven't managed to find them all yet.)
Guild Prices: Encorporating a guild now reportedly costs a lot more. It's something like 1000G in Pre-Searing and 200G afterwards. Getting a cape costs 2000G, at least in Ascalon City. That's a requirement to having a hall which also requires a sigil from the Hall and I'm not quite sure just how much those are going for.
Bag Prices: I made a big deal in another thread about how you could collect Worn Belts and Fin Skales for easy money in Pre-Searing because you could sell the resulting belt pouches for 50G. That no longer works as bags now sell for 5G. Just sell the drops because they're worth 3G a piece which is 15G instead of 5G for the pouch. Also, Salvage Kits in Pre-Searing are 40G and have 10 charges. They're 100G with 25 afterwards. Bags are now available in Ascalon City in Pre-Searing or shortly thereafter in one of the mission lobbies for 100G a piece. Runes of Holding (which expand a Bag's slots from 5 to 10) are available in Yak's Bend for 500G.
Collectors: Most collectors now exchange their goods for 3 of their beloved item rather than 5. The exception are the belt pouch collectors who still want 5 of whatever.
Pets: Fern Lizards are no longer available around the Norther Wall. Unconfirmed Someone's figured out a way to charm the bear in Pre-Searing.
Skills: Probably a lot has changed but I'm still hunting down new skills myself so I have no idea the full extent. What I have, I'll post here.
Resurrection Signet: Now revives at 100% Health and 25% Energy. Formerly 20% health and 0 energy.
many of the pre-searing collectors take 3 items instead of the 5 listed in the guide. this was true for all my ranger armor. bags still rquire 5 i believe.
i also noticed that warthogs are now wandering about at the northern wall where fern lizards used to be.
Release Changes
Sausaletus Rex
QUESTS: Just a quick confirmation about the quests : can't be completed if lacking inventory space for the rewards.
NPCs : There are still some outfitters around (divinity coast and some others), will probably be changed when they think of them.
SKILLS : It seems that ALL the Elite skills are VERY far into the game. I'm in the middle of the desert, and have yet to see ONE elite skill available. (Plz tell me where is incendiary arrows
...) EDIT : sounds more and more like the ONLY way to get elite skills is capturing them... :/
NPCs : There are still some outfitters around (divinity coast and some others), will probably be changed when they think of them.
SKILLS : It seems that ALL the Elite skills are VERY far into the game. I'm in the middle of the desert, and have yet to see ONE elite skill available. (Plz tell me where is incendiary arrows

Originally Posted by Xma
Just a quick confirmation about the quests : can't be completed if lacking inventory space for the rewards.

ye. talk about gutting. ouchie.
i made a build based on the beta stuff. nows its just more challenging to get the skills.
i went from complete 8 skills (planned when reaching post ascalon city) to 4 skills planned and rest had to be just replacements and its just not the same. hehe.
o well. it's gonna make me play more now to uncover them.
*end transmission.
i made a build based on the beta stuff. nows its just more challenging to get the skills.
i went from complete 8 skills (planned when reaching post ascalon city) to 4 skills planned and rest had to be just replacements and its just not the same. hehe.
o well. it's gonna make me play more now to uncover them.
*end transmission.
many of the pre-searing collectors take 3 items instead of the 5 listed in the guide. this was true for all my ranger armor. bags still rquire 5 i believe.
i also noticed that warthogs are now wandering about at the northern wall where fern lizards used to be.
i also noticed that warthogs are now wandering about at the northern wall where fern lizards used to be.
Sausaletus Rex
Yeah, Aria had Scaphism wandering all over for a Fern Lizard to charm. I think they're still available, just not in that area. I still want a spider, though....
And, yes, collectors now take 3 items. Pouch collectors are still 5, but everyone else seems to take 3, so far. Also, most of them list the item statistics (at least some of them. They can be misleading with items I *know* have bonuses like the Crimson Carapace Shield or the Rin Blade and so on.) before you make your choice.
As for skill trainers, there's one in the Courthouse outpost that seems to have some pretty nice stuff unavailable through questing (I've heard Judge's Insight and Restore Life are there for Monks although I haven't quite made it myself) at least in Post-Searing Ascalon - I'm still refusing to buy a skill until I know I can't get it from a quest. It might be that the better trainers are off the beaten path and the ones along the main path will just have slim pickings. We're still tracking them all down, though. And, yes, no elites as far as the Shiverpeaks. Don't know about Kryta and beyond yet, but I imagine because they're "special" they're something you'll have to work for.
And, yes, collectors now take 3 items. Pouch collectors are still 5, but everyone else seems to take 3, so far. Also, most of them list the item statistics (at least some of them. They can be misleading with items I *know* have bonuses like the Crimson Carapace Shield or the Rin Blade and so on.) before you make your choice.
As for skill trainers, there's one in the Courthouse outpost that seems to have some pretty nice stuff unavailable through questing (I've heard Judge's Insight and Restore Life are there for Monks although I haven't quite made it myself) at least in Post-Searing Ascalon - I'm still refusing to buy a skill until I know I can't get it from a quest. It might be that the better trainers are off the beaten path and the ones along the main path will just have slim pickings. We're still tracking them all down, though. And, yes, no elites as far as the Shiverpeaks. Don't know about Kryta and beyond yet, but I imagine because they're "special" they're something you'll have to work for.
Originally Posted by Sausaletus Rex
They can be misleading with items I *know* have bonuses like the Crimson Carapace Shield or the Rin Blade and so on.
Originally Posted by Sausaletus Rex
Yeah, Aria had Scaphism wandering all over for a Fern Lizard to charm. I think they're still available, just not in that area. I still want a spider, though....
Originally Posted by Dreamsmith
I think they're actually perfectly accurate. I traded for an Ascalon Bow, and it didn't have the bonus vs. Charr that a crafted Ascalon Bow normally has, it had exactly the stats the collector said it would, and no more. I didn't try a Rinblade but I'll bet the same is true...
The requirement to have 2 professions.
Devil's Dictionary
The 7-10 Longbow I got for 3 Charr Carvings at Pikerman's Square had +5 to energy and +25% damage against Charr. Customize it and do the math