1. shield -crimson carapace shield= armor:16 req. 9 tactics, health +45, dmg red. -2 (in a stance)
2. sword - furious falchion of enchanting(max dmg)= damage +15%(while enchanted), double adrenaline on hit (chance 7%), enchantments last 15% longer
edit 3: oh and a sundering sword hilt 10% a.p. (chance 6%)
sword and shield sale
2k for shield
ign knoll nero
ign knoll nero
Vash Seven
If the Sword is max I'll buy it now for 7k...
IGN, Meryl Zane
IGN, Meryl Zane
bump bump bump
Alpha Moth
Ill give u 5 frosted grofon wings for that shield, cause its a collectors shield
10K on the sword
Originally Posted by Alpha Moth
Ill give u 5 frosted grofon wings for that shield, cause its a collectors shield
Your overwhelming sarcasm is unbelievable, i had no idea it was a collectors shield. I bought it from a guildmate who apparently ripped me off. Next time try getting to the point instead of elaborating your reply to make it look like you're a genius. Mods please close this. Sword sold ingame for 15k