Protective Spirit, monks and El Spike attacks


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Nice, but Deadly

Hi All,

Just started playing tombs. I played a protection style monk. I wont bore you with the spec.

Anyway, I tabbed through the enemy players at the start of the fight. mmmm. There sure are a lot of E/xx there! This was a moment of extreme satisfaction for young Pindun! I was ready to nulify their attacks with Protective Spirit! I love it when research and a plan comes together.

However, I just wasn't able to catch them fast enough. I had read somewhere that casting one of those nasty hex spells on the target was out of favour now because it telegraphs the target. This team did not hex the target first. They just nailed them, fast, so fast I couldn't catch them. I did catch one of them, but I think they mis-timed it. I caught another, by guessing who they might target next.

I started casting RoF on the obvious targets to try to blunt the first volley of the attack. But it was not a big success.

Now, I have 2 questions:

1.) Is this kind of thing stoppable? I think I am pretty quick. But I dont think I was close on these.

2.) What other things can I do to stop this? Would an AE like Aegis help? Maybe if we rushed them and I had Aegis up till we got into their soft underbelly?

3.) Anything else? We are a fairly close team and can probably co-ordinate a response on a team basis to this kind of thing. (OK, 3 questions then, 5 if you count the 3 part number 2).




Ministry of Technology

Join Date: Feb 2005

Washington D.C.

Idiot Savants


1.) Is this kind of thing stoppable? I think I am pretty quick. But I dont think I was close on these.
Were you the only one with prot spirit? If you're trying to stop a good ele spike build by yourself using prot spirit it's not going to work. Even with reversal it won't work unless you're a prot booner. Even then a good ele team casting 4 or 5 synced chain lightnings are gonna just drop dead any target before you can intervene. The worst part is they'll probably hit more than target so you're not going to be able to save both. If the prot spirit isn't up before the spike occurs you have no chance. If you have multiple copies of prot spirit you can spam them on all your players and hope that the opposing team attempts to spike out a target with prot spirit already on them. In reality though your best bet is to have a ranger on your team drop a fertile season. That will give you enough time to react to a spike and get prot spirit on the target along with some reversals. You'll have about 2-3 minutes of intense spiking to outheal and then once the ele's run out of energy and become exhausted it's game over.

2.) What other things can I do to stop this? Would an AE like Aegis help? Maybe if we rushed them and I had Aegis up till we got into their soft underbelly?
I think it'll help against things like lightning orb but not against strike, or chain lightning.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Aegis don't work on spells. It only works on physical attacks like arrows or warriors. (In my experiance as it only blocks attacks and chain lighting isn't an attack)

You can use protective bond along with Blessed Signet if you want and just keep it on the whole team. At 17 protective prayers it only requires 1 energy per hit.

1) Yes it is stoppable. Easily? Not really unless your organized well.
I have played on teams with 8 E/xx were we all had Air at 16 and we would all drop chain lighting on someones ass with no warning. Most nothing survives that unless they have protective spirit or the like on them. and even with protective spirit on em it still takes abut 80% of there health. We would also place hexes on another target as a distraction.

3) You can do the old winter+mantra of frost approach but that requires everyone being part mesmer. You can have everyone be part monk and bring protective spirit wven with 0 in protection prayers and they will have 5 seconds of protection.

Without a more specific build that your running I can't give you more advice than that.

Sarus prolly has the best solution or one of them.