Trouble finding skills... elementalist questions...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Hello everyone. =)

Im now a lvl 8 E/ME. Im in the second area I guess after Searing. Ive done some quests from like Vasser in Sardelac for Mesmer skills and I did what the Elementalist trainer I found offered out on Old Ascalon but those were only a couple.

Im currently building a Fire/Inspiration character and I only have 3 Fire skills and 3 inspiration skills....I have tons of others (i did all the freebie skills in Searing and then have gotten several like I said from Vasser and acouple from the elementalist girl and even I think i have one quest from the chancelor guy out there in the camp buy the fire but havent finsihed it yet)...but having a hard time finding ones I want.

There is one skill trainer in Ascalon I found and he only offers me one skill to buy which is a domination one (empathy i think). Is there a Elementalist trainer somewhere that is like the Necro one and Messmer ones in Sardelac?

I feel like Im missing something somewhere. Is there another trainer around anywhere near my area? I have 8 skill points and nowhere to use them.

Any help or suggestions appreciated.

- Maia



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

i seem to remember one of the BWE scanning the list of the trainer in post searing ascalon and every skill in the game was there, but now i exzperienced the same thing as you...i think they may have redistributed all the skills to appropriately zoned trainers for the level of questing in that zone.

There will probably be lists matching skills to trainers popping up all over the internet in the next few weeks, but i don't know of any now, sorry.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Hmm thx for the response. Just seemed weird to me. A few people I know playing said that the trainer in post searing ascalon had several skills for them to buy. But I go to him and he has 1.

I have gone to him after I level (at 7 and then 8) and no new ones have popped up.

hmm. Just feels weird that I have 8 skill points and nowhere to spend any of them.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Maia
Hmm thx for the response. Just seemed weird to me. A few people I know playing said that the trainer in post searing ascalon had several skills for them to buy. But I go to him and he has 1.

I have gone to him after I level (at 7 and then 8) and no new ones have popped up.

hmm. Just feels weird that I have 8 skill points and nowhere to spend any of them.
As far as I know the skill trainers dont show additional skills for you to buy as you level. You have to find new, higher level towns and the trainers in those towns will have some different skills for you to buy.

- Iczer

Auntie I

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Veritas Invictus


The way I understand it the skill trainers only offer skills that you could have gotten in the previous area but missed. I agree there must be a Elementalist trainer some where in the vicinity of Post Seared Ascalon. I haven't seen any sign of one though. Sorry. Good luck hunting!

Sausaletus Rex

Sausaletus Rex

Death From Above

Join Date: Dec 2004

Trainers do give only those skills you could have learned from quests. Elementalists don't have all that many skills to find at first so if you've picked them all up in Pre-Searing the trainer would be pretty barren. It's the same for every profession although some have an additional skill in their lists - Mesmers get Empathy (or the "melee monster suicide skill", that and Backfire are all you really need for a long long time.), Monks get Guardian, and that's all I know of.

But aside from the skill trainer in Post-Searing there are now also many quests which will reward you with skills. Hunt around in town and the EA, grab every quest you can, complete them, check back to see if more have cropped up, and you should run across some Elemenatlist skills pretty soon.