check out this too
This guy is smart
c h a v e z
What the hell happened in the last one lol.
Vermilion Okeanos
pretty sure that last one was taken when the balthazar's aura can stack. Which net about 100-200 dmg per sec, killing everyone in touch of it for 2-3 sec.
Lmao @ the first pic
Divine Elemental
wat rank are u out of ciriosity
and lol last one is fawnny
and lol last one is fawnny
Forbidden Angel
hmm... the last one. "I Sell Sigils P S T" isn't that guy the leader of [sB]? (sissy boys) Thats strange... hes not pvping with his guild anymore or something..? kinda weird.. and of course... that.. uhh... yellow.. wow.. talk about owned... X_X
Tony Blair
It's because the timer ran out. Definitely an old screenshot...Energizing Winds, Charge, and five monks?
c h a v e z
Originally Posted by Vermilion Okeanos
Originally Posted by Tony Blair
It's because the timer ran out. Definitely an old screenshot...Energizing Winds, Charge, and five monks?
I dont remember everything about the build but I am pretty sure the monks were running echo/balths all cast on one warrior and then all cast the echo'ed balths on the other warrior thats the reason for the mass monks
Charge & hamstring because when you are running a build where all your dps relies on you standing next to someone you wanna make sure that person is snared and you are moving as fast as possible, dont remember why I had energizing but it was there for a reason =] keen
sigils is a noob