Super 733t Capes
Gold mesh capes
Trinity Arnithia
-confused- le what? Is it a bug?
Of course it's a bug, but it would be cool if it were the top ranked guild gets gold capes or something...
Trinity Arnithia
Yeah too bad. I figured maybe they updated the capes so they wouldn't suck so much.
Sai of Winter
That is just freakin awesome and that'll be a great idea to give the top ranked guild gold capes.
It'd be like the gold jacket for whatever random-ass sport has gold jackets (Golf? Bowling? Extreme underwater basket-weaving?)
Both golf (I think?) & cycling.. specifically Le Tour de france (or however it's properly called..)
Altho aren't gold jackets green? or are they gold?
I know the Tour De France jacket is gold...
Altho aren't gold jackets green? or are they gold?
I know the Tour De France jacket is gold...
In Happy Gilmore the jackets are green.. lol.
I think flaming or glowing capes would be long as you didn't catch fire.
Widaker Bauglir
Sorry to be the partypooper, but it's 1337, not 7337
extreme underwater basket-weaving LOL.
Yeah there needs to be a different reward for winning HoH besides getting favor. Gold Mesh Capes would be cool (it would make me want to be top ranked). Favor should be decided some other way to help out all those poor people on the European server. (lol I have been in TOA once when Europe had favor and people were complaining, I mean come on give the poor guys a break)
Yeah there needs to be a different reward for winning HoH besides getting favor. Gold Mesh Capes would be cool (it would make me want to be top ranked). Favor should be decided some other way to help out all those poor people on the European server. (lol I have been in TOA once when Europe had favor and people were complaining, I mean come on give the poor guys a break)