Super Duper new PVP weekend?
So now that so many of the pvp guys have gone away, they're going to have this super new PvP weekend? It seems more like some odd attempt to entice the carebears into getting their feet wet.
We have some nerfs and balances, but nothing spactacular. The super faction for the weekend only sure as hell isn't going to bring me running back to the game, and I'd be very surprised if many other came back either.
If nobody is actually playing the game, and there are rarely more than 10 or 12 Tombs instances, what makes Anet think this is going to be some sort of magic bullet?
I realize almost all of the people still playing fall into the "don't do anything to negate my efforts" school of PvE, and I realize you're the ones that begged for and got the changes in the first place. You're also the ones this latest bandaid is aimed at, which I expect you're very pleased with. Honestly I'm happy for you. Why not try to keep you happy, you're the only ones left.
But assuming the point of their labors is to attract new players, to grow the game, what are they doing? The game barely even took off, and crashed into the end of the runway. It is no longer possible to ignore the near total lack of actual players in the game. Not even the more ardent carebear can still pretend that everything is perfect.
The possibilities I see are :
1: Anet has made all the money they want to (not very likely)
2: Anet actualy thinks tiny changes like this one are going to change everything and suddenly lead to a massive influx of players.
3: Anet doesn't know what else to do, so it just keeps doing these tiny things for lack of anything better.
4: Anet is just too proud to admit they've made a fundamental mistake, and won't make the necessary changes no matter what. Not even to see if it would POSSIBLY help. Not even as an experiment, not even for a weekend. (most likely scenario IMO).
For me this is the most insulting "patch" to date. But then that's why I gave up, because I got tired of having my intelligence insulted.
We have some nerfs and balances, but nothing spactacular. The super faction for the weekend only sure as hell isn't going to bring me running back to the game, and I'd be very surprised if many other came back either.
If nobody is actually playing the game, and there are rarely more than 10 or 12 Tombs instances, what makes Anet think this is going to be some sort of magic bullet?
I realize almost all of the people still playing fall into the "don't do anything to negate my efforts" school of PvE, and I realize you're the ones that begged for and got the changes in the first place. You're also the ones this latest bandaid is aimed at, which I expect you're very pleased with. Honestly I'm happy for you. Why not try to keep you happy, you're the only ones left.
But assuming the point of their labors is to attract new players, to grow the game, what are they doing? The game barely even took off, and crashed into the end of the runway. It is no longer possible to ignore the near total lack of actual players in the game. Not even the more ardent carebear can still pretend that everything is perfect.
The possibilities I see are :
1: Anet has made all the money they want to (not very likely)
2: Anet actualy thinks tiny changes like this one are going to change everything and suddenly lead to a massive influx of players.
3: Anet doesn't know what else to do, so it just keeps doing these tiny things for lack of anything better.
4: Anet is just too proud to admit they've made a fundamental mistake, and won't make the necessary changes no matter what. Not even to see if it would POSSIBLY help. Not even as an experiment, not even for a weekend. (most likely scenario IMO).
For me this is the most insulting "patch" to date. But then that's why I gave up, because I got tired of having my intelligence insulted.
Hey, I am moving halfway across the USA this weekend and missing out (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
From a dev's comments on another site... this weekend Xtreeeyem event is some sort of "test" for upcoming faction boosts... so maybe we will be getting 50-75% of it come big 'ole update... sorry UAS people, I think faction just needs a 2-3x boost + PVE to be acceptable (just IMO dun kill plx)
From a dev's comments on another site... this weekend Xtreeeyem event is some sort of "test" for upcoming faction boosts... so maybe we will be getting 50-75% of it come big 'ole update... sorry UAS people, I think faction just needs a 2-3x boost + PVE to be acceptable (just IMO dun kill plx)
Whoa I am getting pulled into this thread because of such a great negative pull like the black hole.....
Anyway they aren't trying to attract new players with this PvP weekend... there is no evidence at all of that in the event description since newcomers won;t really be that active in the PvP to begin with since they first have to deal with the PvE.
This is to satisfy everyone who has been commenting on the slow faction gain and to simply try to balance out the Guild Wars universe.
Anyway they aren't trying to attract new players with this PvP weekend... there is no evidence at all of that in the event description since newcomers won;t really be that active in the PvP to begin with since they first have to deal with the PvE.
This is to satisfy everyone who has been commenting on the slow faction gain and to simply try to balance out the Guild Wars universe.
I didn't mean that this weekend was specificaly an attempt to attract new players, I meant that as a general rule it's safe to assume that most game makers want to attract new players whenever they can manage it. That is after all the basis of how they pay the electric bill.
My "rant" if you'd like to refer to it as such, is more toward to bandaid aproach they are STILL using, even though it has clearly been proven to be a failure. I'm not the one that got everyone to stop playing, they did that on their own. For all the "negativity", the fact remains that my MOST negative comment if provable fact. There is nobody in game. It's hard to argue that the game is healthy and has no need for any changes when nobody is playing.
My question was not "why won't they give us UAS", that hope was abandoned long ago. If I could maintain any hope of them EVER waking up I wouldn't have bailed.
My question was "why won't they even CONSIDER the POSSIBILITY that they MIGHT have MAYBE taken a wrong turn SOMEWHERE.
Raise your hand if you think increasing faction is going to bring back thousands of players who have moved on. Increasing it by any amount, even if they raised it by 1000%. Please, explain to me how if you really think that's going to save this game.
And if you don't think it's going to be some magic bullet, if you don't think it's going to be an instant cure for a game that CLEARLY has major problems with its customer base, if you don't think this will instantly bring back old players OR bring in new ones (from a business perspective, you'd want some of both but actually prefer the latter), then what the hell are they doing?
My only really negative comment is that this seems to me like bailing out the Titanic with a teaspoon. Sure it might help, but you're still sinking. Couldn't they at least admit there's an enormous hole in the side of the boat? I'm not even talking about fixing it, we're way past that. I'm just wondering why they can't even admit it.
My "rant" if you'd like to refer to it as such, is more toward to bandaid aproach they are STILL using, even though it has clearly been proven to be a failure. I'm not the one that got everyone to stop playing, they did that on their own. For all the "negativity", the fact remains that my MOST negative comment if provable fact. There is nobody in game. It's hard to argue that the game is healthy and has no need for any changes when nobody is playing.
My question was not "why won't they give us UAS", that hope was abandoned long ago. If I could maintain any hope of them EVER waking up I wouldn't have bailed.
My question was "why won't they even CONSIDER the POSSIBILITY that they MIGHT have MAYBE taken a wrong turn SOMEWHERE.
Raise your hand if you think increasing faction is going to bring back thousands of players who have moved on. Increasing it by any amount, even if they raised it by 1000%. Please, explain to me how if you really think that's going to save this game.
And if you don't think it's going to be some magic bullet, if you don't think it's going to be an instant cure for a game that CLEARLY has major problems with its customer base, if you don't think this will instantly bring back old players OR bring in new ones (from a business perspective, you'd want some of both but actually prefer the latter), then what the hell are they doing?
My only really negative comment is that this seems to me like bailing out the Titanic with a teaspoon. Sure it might help, but you're still sinking. Couldn't they at least admit there's an enormous hole in the side of the boat? I'm not even talking about fixing it, we're way past that. I'm just wondering why they can't even admit it.
My question is this Sayshina. I know you're welcome to post here whether or not you play, but if you so dislike the way things have gone, why bother? Everyone of your posts expresses such disillusionment that ANet could give you the moon and you'ld still be unhappy. Make yourself happy, find another game and go play it. If GW is so bad, pretend it doesn't exist and was just a horrible dream.
UAS will not be a reality for the simple fact, I bring my PvE into PvP (I prefer it that way) why should you have an advantage over me because you're a throwaway character?
UAS will not be a reality for the simple fact, I bring my PvE into PvP (I prefer it that way) why should you have an advantage over me because you're a throwaway character?
Question: What is UAS?
UAS = Unlock All Skills
On that note, someone should post a acronym listing somewhere.
Sayshina, your rant is helping anyone. Stop it. If the game is dead to you, then move on.
On that note, someone should post a acronym listing somewhere.
Sayshina, your rant is helping anyone. Stop it. If the game is dead to you, then move on.
Originally Posted by gign
Question: What is UAS?
IMO, i think a reward for ascending or finishing the game should get you the UAS.
Wouldn't it be great to change your secondary whenever you want and have all thise juicy bits?!!
That would bring people back for sure.
I think beating the game should give you all the skills for the class you picked, but that is all.
Wow Say, you really don't play the game. I never have trouble finding people to play with, both PvE and PvP. I love it, many do. One of the members of my Clan and Guild leader has logged nearly 1,000 hours on his account.
I like it because it gives me the kind of play I want.
1. A roleplaying game
2. Close combat with real people
I've played many games in my time. Probably more then most others my age (20 years old). And I can say, with some authority, that GW is an excellent game, that, although flawed, is fun. I've been doing straight PvP for a couple weeks now, and my only complaint is that the faction rewards are to low. It takes 10,000 faction to unlock 7 regular skills and 1 elite skill for a build.
I like it because it gives me the kind of play I want.
1. A roleplaying game
2. Close combat with real people
I've played many games in my time. Probably more then most others my age (20 years old). And I can say, with some authority, that GW is an excellent game, that, although flawed, is fun. I've been doing straight PvP for a couple weeks now, and my only complaint is that the faction rewards are to low. It takes 10,000 faction to unlock 7 regular skills and 1 elite skill for a build.
Why do some people think this weekend is for luring players back to the game? Come on, there are plenty of players at the moment.
What this weekend really does (it is very hard to spot though) is make as much players as possible test the new skill balances.
What this weekend really does (it is very hard to spot though) is make as much players as possible test the new skill balances.
I dunno, the last few nights, my guild and I have been farming faction in the Team Arena and it's been really empty. We got that "no opposing teams joined" message after about every other round and fought mostly Random Arena teams (thx for the fast wins--it sped up the farming a lot).
Now, if this is a temporary thing caused by people unlocking skills via PVE for this silly PVP "Extreme" (calling something "extreme" doesn't make it so) weekend, then say so. Otherwise, It seems like PVP is dying even in Team Arena.
Now, if this is a temporary thing caused by people unlocking skills via PVE for this silly PVP "Extreme" (calling something "extreme" doesn't make it so) weekend, then say so. Otherwise, It seems like PVP is dying even in Team Arena.
Well, it's kind of logical to have Team Arenas die. It's 4v4, which is considered (probably wrongly so) inferior to 8v8. But it still requires the effort to build your team just like Tombs and GvG. And the rewards aren't that great. When you consider that you get basically no faction compared to the others (and Tombs gives sigils as well), why would you want to play 4v4, unless you have a special affinity for 4v4 that you don't have for 8v8?
I have a question. in doom or half-life or any other fps what kind of reward do you get for winning a match? last time i checked you didnt get anything? then why is it such a big deal about what you get in GW? I still think they shoud UAS for all pvp only characters and have a specific pvp district in tombs and other arenas where pvp only can play and if a pve player wants to try he can, at his known disadvantage.
Guild Wars isn't exactly a FPS.
Also all weapons tend to be available in the map (Unreal Tournament, Tribes, etc...) which isn't true in Guild Wars. Of course you get basic skills, weapons, armors, and mods, but to be truly competitive you need to earn faction, play PvE, farm, or whatever to get more skills, weapons, armors, and mods that are not handed to you at the beginning.
So the stuff for winning at the end, is sort of a reward for playing the game for the extra stuff.
Also all weapons tend to be available in the map (Unreal Tournament, Tribes, etc...) which isn't true in Guild Wars. Of course you get basic skills, weapons, armors, and mods, but to be truly competitive you need to earn faction, play PvE, farm, or whatever to get more skills, weapons, armors, and mods that are not handed to you at the beginning.
So the stuff for winning at the end, is sort of a reward for playing the game for the extra stuff.
Uh it's pretty obvious what the super duper PVP weekend is for... they're throwing in a shitload of balance changes and want as many people playing as possible so they can monitor their changes closely. More people playing = more chance to find broken shit.
XTREME, HELLS YES! *drinks some mountain dew and grinds on the walls of Fort Koga* WOOOOOOOO
XTREME, HELLS YES! *drinks some mountain dew and grinds on the walls of Fort Koga* WOOOOOOOO
Originally Posted by dargon
My question is this Sayshina. I know you're welcome to post here whether or not you play, but if you so dislike the way things have gone, why bother? Everyone of your posts expresses such disillusionment that ANet could give you the moon and you'ld still be unhappy. Make yourself happy, find another game and go play it. If GW is so bad, pretend it doesn't exist and was just a horrible dream.
UAS will not be a reality for the simple fact, I bring my PvE into PvP (I prefer it that way) why should you have an advantage over me because you're a throwaway character? |
Sure I could take my complaint directly to Anet's forum, but what ...They've directed me here.
My posts are open letters to Anet. I could go down their HQ, located a few miles from my house, and pickit I suppose. I might just do that sometime. Or they can give me back my money, and I'll happily shut up and go away, never to be heard from again.
Why are so many people around here mystified by the concept of being a disgruntled CUSTOMER. We did not get this product for free. Those who claim we did should be aware that claim makes them look like they don't earn their own money. I'm in a union, I make a decent living. I can afford to piss away a few dollers. The fact that I can afford it doesn't mean I'm going to take it sitting down.
As long as they have my money, they can deal with my dissatisfaction. And all those like me as well. You notice I have never been alone, but still you act shocked. Why is that? Civil disobedience is a cornerstone of American society, the concept of making our dissacisfaction known is hardly a lost art.
Well if you already quit or are close to quiting, this weekend gives and incentive to some back, at least for a couple days, test the water, and see if you like it or not. For people who are frustrated with slow unlcok but stil play all the time, this weekend is Christmas. I look foreword to this weekend, not only because I will gain oodles of faction, but also because all other pvp guilds will be looking for oodles of faction. Can you say guild groups everywhere? Competitiion should be very high, remember, you only get the 5x faction if you win.
Originally Posted by dargon
UAS will not be a reality for the simple fact, I bring my PvE into PvP (I prefer it that way) why should you have an advantage over me because you're a throwaway character? |
Originally Posted by Sayshina
If this game had actualy been free, as many people insist on claiming, then you would have a point. As it is I PAYED MONEY FOR THIS THING. As someone else just mentioned in another thread, if you payed for a toaster and it didn't work as advertised, you would complain.
Sure I could take my complaint directly to Anet's forum, but what ...They've directed me here. My posts are open letters to Anet. I could go down their HQ, located a few miles from my house, and pickit I suppose. I might just do that sometime. Or they can give me back my money, and I'll happily shut up and go away, never to be heard from again. Why are so many people around here mystified by the concept of being a disgruntled CUSTOMER. We did not get this product for free. Those who claim we did should be aware that claim makes them look like they don't earn their own money. I'm in a union, I make a decent living. I can afford to piss away a few dollers. The fact that I can afford it doesn't mean I'm going to take it sitting down. As long as they have my money, they can deal with my dissatisfaction. And all those like me as well. You notice I have never been alone, but still you act shocked. Why is that? Civil disobedience is a cornerstone of American society, the concept of making our dissacisfaction known is hardly a lost art. |
My question to you is how many hours have you put into this game? If its more than 50, which I believe it to be, then you got a hour a dollar, which is better than going to a movie or buy a video... oh yes do you complain when a video doesn't meet your standards as well?
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Sayshina
But then that's why I gave up, because I got tired of having my intelligence insulted.
Originally Posted by Theos
My question to you is how many hours have you put into this game? If its more than 50, which I believe it to be, then you got a hour a dollar, which is better than going to a movie or buy a video... oh yes do you complain when a video doesn't meet your standards as well?
Complaining: What happens when cynics take over the world.
If your primary complaint is about UAX, then in 2 months those of us who have stuck with the game will have unlocked everything, and we'll be playing the supposedly perfect PvP game and laughing at you.
Unless you come back with a fully unlocked account from eBay
Unless you come back with a fully unlocked account from eBay
bitch bitch bitch...
They've said that their intent is to get as many people doing PvP at once as they can so that they can monitor builds and check balances and such.
1- Anet has made all the money they want... I certainly bloody hope not... that means retirement and no more work/upkeep on GW or future projects.
2- Tiny changes = massive inbound population... I doubt that's the plan, this isn't a tiny change it's an event. Add together all the tiny changes made over the last several months and think of them as one massive patch and you'll see more effort put in than is put into most other games. This is to draw casual players into a heavier weekend. I might play 3 or 4 hours of PvP normally but this weekend (not for the lust for faction, but just the fun of the event) I'll probably leave my computer to eat, sleep and meditate on my porcelain shrine.
3- Anet doesn't have any better ideas... wtf??? All I can say to this one is stfu and don't play, no skin off our scrotums. I think it's a great idea and a good way to draw attention to PvP for those who don't do it often.
4- Anet bla bla bla... dude... you need to play something else... after months of weekly updates, a few small lapses with minor updates and now this to examine further balances and potential future updates... whatever... Some people can't be pleased, won't be pleased... don't desire to be pleased since if their wishes are met they'll just concoct new complaints and grievances with which to shout out from the rooftops.
bottom line... yes... Anet sucks, and that's why we're all here...
They've said that their intent is to get as many people doing PvP at once as they can so that they can monitor builds and check balances and such.
1- Anet has made all the money they want... I certainly bloody hope not... that means retirement and no more work/upkeep on GW or future projects.
2- Tiny changes = massive inbound population... I doubt that's the plan, this isn't a tiny change it's an event. Add together all the tiny changes made over the last several months and think of them as one massive patch and you'll see more effort put in than is put into most other games. This is to draw casual players into a heavier weekend. I might play 3 or 4 hours of PvP normally but this weekend (not for the lust for faction, but just the fun of the event) I'll probably leave my computer to eat, sleep and meditate on my porcelain shrine.
3- Anet doesn't have any better ideas... wtf??? All I can say to this one is stfu and don't play, no skin off our scrotums. I think it's a great idea and a good way to draw attention to PvP for those who don't do it often.
4- Anet bla bla bla... dude... you need to play something else... after months of weekly updates, a few small lapses with minor updates and now this to examine further balances and potential future updates... whatever... Some people can't be pleased, won't be pleased... don't desire to be pleased since if their wishes are met they'll just concoct new complaints and grievances with which to shout out from the rooftops.
bottom line... yes... Anet sucks, and that's why we're all here...
3 hours I am really psyched... just got into pvp with my monk.... want to try some new things out ^^
I've been racking my brains trying to come up with feasible counters to the one (or two) counters that completely stop my regular team cold. I think I may have, and I'll have loads of opportunity to try them out this weekend. One of these weaknesses are weaknesses to all teams, and that is spirit walls in Relic maps.