Gold Swords N Such

I Shoot Stuff

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005



ok here we go I'm too lazy to post pics but anyways

I will accept any offer as long as it is reasonable I am trying to clean out my stash.

1. Crippling Gladius of Warding (8 Req)
15-22 slashing damage
lengthens crippled duration on foe
14% damage in stance
+6 armor against elemental damage

2. Shocking Spatha (12 req)
15-22 lightning damage
14% damage in stance

3. Cruel War Hammer of Enchanting (11 req)
19-35 blunt damage
Lengthens deep wound
Enchantments 15% longer

4. Axe grip of Fortitude +24

Auction ends whenever I feel like it