I would like to inform everyone on an observation I have made with European guilds. Possibly a very good reason why Europe don't get much favor.
The number of Eurpoean guilds are considerably low compared to Korea and America. Not so much the number of guilds, but the number of guilds that are active and capable of GvG and Tombs. There are an abundance of guilds in Europe that are fairly small. Too small to make up the numbers to enter 8v8 matches, and also the lack of money to buy themselves a guild hall.
When I joined my guild, it was in it's early days. There was about 7 or 8 of us in the guild with only approxiamately 4 of us online at anyone time. Over the course of about 3 - 4 weeks we were trying to recruit members to build up the numbers. New recruits would constantly leave the guild as we lacked the numbers for GvG and Tombs and they simply were not interested, leaving us back were we started weeks before. Untill one day we found another guild who was having the exact same problem as us. We came up with the idea to merge our two guilds together. The size of our guild doubled overnight. (which was still small) We then recruited more members and mergings (if thats a word ) and they stayed with us as they were happy with the active numbers. Since then we've been recruiting and only 2 weeks further down the road we had about 40+ guild members.
There are far too many guilds in Europe that are struggling to make the numbers for PvP like we were.
I am hereby requesting a CALL TO ARMS for all European guilds to unite together. And make Europe a Formidable force to be reckoned with.
...................Place your posts here if you are interested in this...................
Satire Elexus
I thought Europe has been doing quite well lately, and I am very happy to see that. Korea has been losing it a bit though.
As an American, I would love to see all regions control hoh 1/3 of the time.
As an American, I would love to see all regions control hoh 1/3 of the time.