Dying in outposts!
Andy of Glacieria
Algren Cole
don't do it. you are dead forever. you will never be able to log into your account again.
lol been posted many times before
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
don't do it. you are dead forever. you will never be able to log into your account again.
lol i seen that the other night also and was wondering what happens when you die in a outpost. the guy that died in the same town would not answer me when i tried talking to him.
Charcoal Ann
what happens when we die? it is a question that has plagued mankind for many thousands of years. i am sorry to say i have no answer, but from experience (concerning relatives and such) i would say that you tend to stay dead.
ohhh you mean in game? i would have thought that mapping would res you... but i wouldn't try it. the offline status can be set in your friends window so that it shows even when you are on line.
ohhh you mean in game? i would have thought that mapping would res you... but i wouldn't try it. the offline status can be set in your friends window so that it shows even when you are on line.
What I am wondering is how did he die. Those golems are outside that gate....were they attacking him from the outside somehow or were the savants attacks against the golems killing him slowly?
If the defenders aren't killing them, the monsters can attack you.
That is really cool...I think I am gonna have to try that out tonight if the US doesn't have favor.
Andy of Glacieria
Account deleted? You cant be serious! Well, whatever happened he's gone now.
EDIT: Yes, it's the seaboard. However, I wouldn't try it. Anet can do nothing if your accounts/characters are hurt/deleted. At least they dont want to.
EDIT: Yes, it's the seaboard. However, I wouldn't try it. Anet can do nothing if your accounts/characters are hurt/deleted. At least they dont want to.
I've seen this happen a lot. Sometimes one of the ghouls sneaks straight up the midline out of aggro range of both savants. Rare, but it happens. If they make it to the gate, you can stand at the gate and die from attacks. Not permanent, not a big deal, you just die and have DP until you map somewhere, add 1 more to the /deaths emote.
It was pretty hilarious to see a pile of 20 or 30 corpses at the gate. I've got a screenshot on my home comp. I was one of them, and I assure you my character is still just fine.
It was pretty hilarious to see a pile of 20 or 30 corpses at the gate. I've got a screenshot on my home comp. I was one of them, and I assure you my character is still just fine.
some one must of died on the otherside of the gate, and his body is going though the gate
That's D'Alessio Seaboard where ghouls are continuously attacking the gates, but are being killed by the savants.
As has been pointed out, sometimes the ghouls make it right up to the gates themselves.
What's happening at that point are the ghouls are taking advantage of combat bugs to attack through the wall.
Also, during the last BWE, Gwen attacked IN TOWN and killed people so don't sweat the small stuff. Just go have fun.
As has been pointed out, sometimes the ghouls make it right up to the gates themselves.
What's happening at that point are the ghouls are taking advantage of combat bugs to attack through the wall.
Also, during the last BWE, Gwen attacked IN TOWN and killed people so don't sweat the small stuff. Just go have fun.
Ole Man Bourbon
Damn 'sploitin no-good NPCs