Unidentified Gold Fellblade
Healer Akira
Good luck to the highest bidder.
Ethan Rambaldi
I bid 5k
Tig Ore
8k biy Tig Ore
Hi, Akira, just wanted to say the last unid req 9 fellblade u sold me turned out to be a 15%^50
if thats true there is 0.0000001 % chance of probability it will repeat -_-
Healer Akira
lol cool.. gl to whoever gets it then
So I guess zidane ruined your deal Akira! Whatever, 9k!
IGN: Hit A Lot
IGN: Hit A Lot
Healer Akira
btw i wont sell this for less than 50k
wooo 10k
60K here.