Am i doomed :(
I have 0 Change in Terratory Left and im Stuck in laggy American servers, i allways get lagg spikes and i want to go back to europe but have no changes left. Can anyone tell me someway i can change or am i doomed here.
Omg, thats funny
you are not just stuck you are (REALLY STUCK)
You could always buy a new copy of the game and start from scratch.
Night Daftshadow
you are doomed with the american pigs! hey wait, im american too
Ironic, I usually don't see 'lag' and 'American servers' together. Maybe if you weren't playing through thousands of miles of ocean cable.
And yeah, you are stuck. You can only unstick yourself by buying a new game.
And yeah, you are stuck. You can only unstick yourself by buying a new game.
Kuku Monk
I for one vote for your deportation.
Criminally Sane
Doomed. Hah, stuck in the American servers, with people like... Me! Mwahaha.
ifuwerepbandj there is a fun little thread about your exact problem. Quite a flame fest though. I can summarize its contents for you: you are screwed.
Night Daftshadow
Originally Posted by ifuwerepbandj
I can summarize its contents for you: you are screwed.
stoned bob
strange im playing from holland on american server and I dont get any lag :/
I could be wrong but i thought i read somewhere dont remember where that you can contact support and they might, might not help you get back to your server. I could be total wrong at my age the memory goes first.
ok so i was right
i thought if you contacted them they will chage you back once only.
ok so i was right
i thought if you contacted them they will chage you back once only.
Sir Skullcrasher
your doomed.. stay with the American people!
DOOOOOOOOOMED! grab a beer, 4-5 cheeseburgers from mcdonalds and try to blend into the american public.........
Why did you switch so many times in the first place?
well he likes favor
Ole Man Bourbon
Why don't you just move to the US or Korea? Sheesh.
Calnaion Blackhawk
Originally Posted by sidepocket13
DOOOOOOOOOMED! grab a beer, 4-5 cheeseburgers from mcdonalds and try to blend into the american public.........
Thanks for getting in touch with your question about changing Guild Wars territories. We currently have been allowing five (5) changes of territory over the life of the player's account. The limitation on the number of changes was put in place to prevent tournament abuse, and to assure that players are able to receive support from the appropriate region of the world. Because a few players ended up in the opposite game world territory that they ultimately desired, based on the fact that an odd number of changes were allowed, we are going to change to a total of four (4) territory changes. This will assure that players can return to their original "home" territory.
As a courtesy for our customers who find themselves without the ability to return to their home territory, we will reset your territory assignment one additional time for you. This is a one-time change, and future requests to change territories cannot be accepted nor acted upon.
If you wish to have your account territory changed this final time, please reply to this email and provide your access key as well as the territory you want to be placed in and we can undertake that placement for you. This change may require an additional few business days. If you do not see that the change has taken place within four business days, please reply to this email and let us know.
GM Trent
NCsoft Europe
Guild Wars Customer Support
I see the light i see it coming closer, no more lagg no more freeze. Home here i come
As a courtesy for our customers who find themselves without the ability to return to their home territory, we will reset your territory assignment one additional time for you. This is a one-time change, and future requests to change territories cannot be accepted nor acted upon.
If you wish to have your account territory changed this final time, please reply to this email and provide your access key as well as the territory you want to be placed in and we can undertake that placement for you. This change may require an additional few business days. If you do not see that the change has taken place within four business days, please reply to this email and let us know.
GM Trent
NCsoft Europe
Guild Wars Customer Support
I see the light i see it coming closer, no more lagg no more freeze. Home here i come
Eomer Brightblade
haha, you are stuck with us. Don't ever drop your soap!!
I have to agree with Kuku Monk.
We need to install some sort of "Virtual Border Police" or something.
There should be a Poll Screen inside game, where you can "Democratically Deport People" LOL.
Ok... ok... im logging off... my mind is wandering to dark places...
We need to install some sort of "Virtual Border Police" or something.
There should be a Poll Screen inside game, where you can "Democratically Deport People" LOL.
Ok... ok... im logging off... my mind is wandering to dark places...
Yeah... I can see it now... "Virtual Border Patrol: All foreign Ectoplasms and Shards will be confiscated before you are allowed to enter."
Silly question how do you change??
Silly question how do you change?? |
Log in -> edit account-> tick change territory -> next and change