10 GOLD AND PURPLE items (not an auction)

Wilheim Eversmann

Wilheim Eversmann

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Hi, i will sell these weapons
the price for
#1 Halfmoon is 10K,
#2 Storm bow is 10K--U can still upgrade it
and for the fiery dragon sword is 10K
the Bone staffs is 5K only~~
the accurse staff is 3K~~

For the others..i will sell it for really cheap so just offer me a price~~

The prices of the halfmoon and the fiery dragon sword are based on the price of the upgrade only (according to the Price Check) so its really cheap

Plz Kindly leave your ING and offer~~~
~~~~~ ~~~~~~

phoenix twin

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005



ill take the fiery dragon sword ign phoenix twin