anyone else having so much lag u cant move and u get error 7 every 5mins and takes 10-15mins to load?
Robos Stavanis
I did get something happen to me last night. Got 2 error 7's in Mineral Springs as well as have stuff coming toward me, and then be on top of me and group half dead the next time the screen updated. Usually not that bad, but last night sure was.
The lag today in GW has been horrendous. The game is totally unplayable at the moment (just logged off, well tried to, had to just close it) and what makes it worse is that once again it happened when i was on the verge of completing an overly long quest (this time with my 3rd character). It's always during a long quest that this happens to me... poxy thing!
I lag crashed out the game today, but lucky for me I had just finished a mission, so I got the xp.
Brother Andicus
Yep, lag sucks at the moment. 20:31 GMT, Thur 25th
I'm guessing they're updating Guild Wars for the PvP event. It'd be nice to have a heads up though.