WTS: Perfect Domination Staff Wrapping
Arcanis Imperium
10K! Is there a buyout price? PM me.
15K here. If you got a buy-out, mention it here.
Arcanis Imperium
If this is still going, I can put up 20K now. I really need this thing, they dont exist anywhere. Not even in imperfect form.
ANet really needs to fix this item's drop ratio
ANet really needs to fix this item's drop ratio
I bid the B/O 50K on the Wrappings
People really need to tend to their threads
IGN Buffalo Blizzard?
So should I keep bidding elsewhere, I need wrappings pronto?
IGN Buffalo Blizzard?
So should I keep bidding elsewhere, I need wrappings pronto?
Ruoenkruez Tudor
nice item