Magho Hydras? how do u kill them?
Nyax Soulreaper
is there any build that makes it easy to kill magho hydras? i cant try my smiting monk yet becsause she's st thunderhead keep.
I'd see if I could beat thunderhead and then use Mo/W smiter/protection with balanced stance.
My necro/mesmer hunts mahgo hydras WAY too often... as a result, they don't give me gold-items no more
My toon can usually take 3-5 at a time... gets pretty crazy too!
EDIT: Aren't Mahgo hydras in Perdition's Rock?

EDIT: Aren't Mahgo hydras in Perdition's Rock?
Nyax Soulreaper
lol i just got past thunderhead and started farming magho hydras... talk about no-good drops. i even tried killin the ettins around rull browbeater because he keeps resing them but i dont get any drops from them or any xp :/ i havent found one great place to farm
*Smiles* There are a few good places left to farm, trust me on that. Though unfortunately even my favorite spot is slowly noticing a decline. This game is getting too big. ^_~
Yeah, Mesmers eat all forms of hydras for breakfast. I almost feel sorry for them... But then I remember how rarely anyone asks me to group with them, and I just continue on, solo farming with my Mes...
i see alot of ppl leaving perdition rock alone to farm them and one of them sells alot of stuff to me, he got 3 unid flelblaes, 5 unid half moons, and 1 unid fiery dragon swords in one day, are those weapons found in peridition rock?
To answer your original question about how to kill Mahgo's with a necro/x, I use life transfer + life siphon. Both combine to -10 life degen on the hydra and +10 health regen to you. This should be enough to keep you alive while you cast spells and dodge. Other life-stealing curses like Insidious Parasite should also increase your survivability.
with a ranger you can concuss shot them really easily since they absolutely adore meteor shower (which has a 2 hour cast time).
then you can simply attack him to death, although its not very good because they go in packs. heck if you want to solo farm mo/w is the way to go (in uw)
then you can simply attack him to death, although its not very good because they go in packs. heck if you want to solo farm mo/w is the way to go (in uw)