The Most Difficult Question to Answer....

Mythology Of The Greeks


Join Date: Jul 2005

Phoenix, AZ

I have found myself farming alot lately and I have had couple of questions run across my mind, and I was hoping to get some feedback.

When you come onto the Sellers Forum here at Guru, you find alot of people selling VERY rare weapons such as Storm Bows, Crystallines Swords, Sickle Axes, and Mursaat Hammers. And I guess my primary question is, where do such items drop? I know this is asking ALOT of you to give your my deepest darkest secrets, but this would help out an avid farmer like me. I would love to get one of these weapons before I quit this game for good. Now, I know alot of people get these very rare weapons via trades. So, this question really goes out to the people that farm and have had success farming such rare weapons as what I have listed. I am general or detailed feedback would be appreciated (i.e. what monsters typically drop what weapons, what places besides Underworld, FOW, and ROF to farm, etc.)

IGN Axe Goldenhands, Ruby Favor



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Crystalline swords have not been pin-pointed to one certain loctaion. They have been found all across Tyria, just very rarely. I think your best chance to get one is in the Hall of Heros chest after winning.

Storm bows are found in the underworld

Sickle axes I am not sure about

Mursaat Hammers I am not sure about either.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Mursaat Hammers are found at fire chain island

Saridley Kronah

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Australia, Sydney


I found a sickle hunting charr when i was a very low lvl, very random drop rate.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Order of the Fly


crystaline swords are anywhere.
sickle axes arent rare at all. i just earlier got a low dmg one on a run through fort ranik for a friend. they'e about as rare as enchanted lodestones.
storm bows are underworld only.
mursaat hammers are from any mursaat creature. (jade bow/armor/etc or mursaat elementalist/necro/monk/etc).



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Sickle axes aren't rare, (they drop in Mantle type areas), but anyone who finds a max dmg one will make a the WTB's on rpgtraders.