My ideas on realistic new classes.

Big Luke

Big Luke

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005




I was thinking how new classes will almost certainly only come with the expansion packs we have to pay for, and these are big updates, expanding the story and whatnot.

In keeping with the human look of all the classes so far I think making new classes that originate from different races in the game world would work a lot better. For example, a class that originates from Kryta, with their own special skills and background information.

However I doubt we’ll see new classes from places we know, and I doubt ArenaNet wants to add just another class that everyone has seen before in other MMORPG’s.

So, if this was going to be the case, I think ArenaNet might surprise us by adding classes from the new worlds they’ll be including in the game with the expansion packs.

How fun would it be to have a new class to play from a whole new race you knew nothing about, but during the course of the main missions it took through your home land and expanded your background.

Just more ideas

Have fun!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005



I was thinking about how little people actually make class suggestions based on balancing and strategic diversity and whatnot.

How fun would it be if this game actually had different options for balanced builds, instead of just pulling ideas out of your ass based on what sounds cool.

Have fun!